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I woke to the sound of rain and thunder rumbling across the sky. I threw blanket off of my legs, grabbed my boots the were by the foot of my bed and yanked them on, before bolting out of the cabin. As soon as I came out of the cabin, a torment of rain and wind hit me in the face, whipping back my (h/l), (h/c) hair.

I looked up on one of the sails and saw Jack swing down from it, a rope gripped in his hands, and land on the deck, then start barking orders at his crew.

"Jack?" I yelled, running up to him, trying not to loose him, in the wind and rain.

"Jack!" I yelled again.

He spun around and his eyebrows shot up in surprise then his expression calmed ever so slightly.

He came over to me, his strides eating up the ground between us.

"Love..." He shook his head in disbelief, and wiped a stream of water out of his eyes. "What. Are. You. Doing. Out. Here?"

"I..." For once, I was at a loss for words. "I wanted to help." I yelled over the howl of the wind.

"Go back to your cabin, I don't want you getting hurt!" He ordered, moving closer so he could talk without yelling.

I looked up at him, his eyes were concerned and I sighed before replying.

"Jack I'll be-"

"No." He cut me off and brushed past me, and walked over to Nick.

I saw him throw his hands up in the air and Nick smirked, then he walked over to me.

"Jack wants you to go back to your cabin." He said, biting his lip to keep from laughing.

"No I told him..." I looked over at Jack and he caught my eye. The look he gave me was full of worry, concern, stubbornness, and pride.

I shook my head and he jerked his head up once and I relented.

"Tell him if he wants to see me, I'll be in my cabin." I yelled over the wind as I stomped past him.

When I arrived at my cabin, I suddenly realized that I was was freezing and was soaked to the bone.

I quickly changed out of the current clothes that I was wearing and put on a light cotton nightdress. I hung my other clothes up to dry and climbed in bed. I had been laying there for a few hours when I realized that the ship had stopped rolling and the thunder had also stopped.

My door creaked open and I bolted up into a sitting position, and clutched the blanket around me.

"Easy, it's only me love." A gentle voice said.

"Jack." I whispered, feeling my chest swell with happiness.

I heard his footsteps walking over to my bed. The bed creaked as he sat down and silence lapsed between us.

"I'm sorry love, I just couldn't let you get hurt." Jack said quietly, and took one of my hands and rubbed his finger absentmindedly over the back of it with his thumb.

"I know."

I could feel his gaze on me, but couldn't bring myself to look up at him.

"I know you do." He murmured.

When I finally looked up at him, he was staring off into the darkness with a distant look on his face.


He jumped and his dark, brown eyes snapped up to mine. "Yes love?"

A smile worked its way onto my face. "Are you okay?"

Unexpected (Jack Sparrow x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now