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Thank you enjali29 for the idea!
During the day England was a place filled with happiness and wonder. Where people would greet each other and smile. When night falls, that's where the monsters roam the streets, taking anything and anyone as their victim. Alleyways housing criminals in the shadows ready to pounce but most of all the screams that erupted in the night warned every person to lock up and stay indoors.

The sounds of objects being sliced, the sound of laughing throughout the night, screams erupting for a moment before they went silent.

"That was number ninety-nine for me!" Nea yelled out as a plunged his hand through an Exorcist's chest, watching gleefully as the light in their eyes left.

Nea pushed his arm out watching as the body fell with a heavy thump. He looked down at his hand in disgust watching the blood drip. Making a mental note that when he gets back to the Undertakers place he'll wash the blood of. More like scrubbing it off.

"My dear, you've got to do better than that to catch up to me!" Undertaker smirked, bringing his scythe down on an Exorcist that was charging towards him, innocence activated. Undertaker sliced their wrists off. As they dropped to their knees, wailing in pain Undertaker swung his scythe, decapitated them in a blink of an eye.

"That was number one hundred and ten," Undertaker replied. Moving towards Nea, smirking.

"I've won."

Nea watched Undertaker with a glare that didn't seem to phase the other, "Don't get too cocky, Reaper."

Undertaker laughed. Shaking his head, his gray hair moving with the motion, drawing Nea's attention to the strands that looked like they were flowing.

Nea's gaze softened even with all the killing going on around them, Undertaker was a sight he wouldn't want to miss.

"I advise watching the words you speak. I am still under wraps from the rest of the Reapers. Best to not announce I am still alive and kicking," Undertaker brought up a finger to his lips, dark-colored nails on display, an innocent smile was displayed as his head was tilted to the side, brushing his bangs over a single green/yellow eye, hiding it from view. Which allowed Nea to only glance at the other eye on display, filled with mischief.

"Must you be childish in moments that count?"

"Must you be serious in moments that don't?"

Nea shook his head a smile gracing his lips. Looking up at the moon, illuminating the night.

"Wiping out a few hundred won't help our cause. We need to exterminate them like the bugs they are."

Humming in thought, Nea replied, "There are thousands of Exorcists in each corner of the world. It doesn't matter if we only kill hundreds now, they will force innocent people to merge with Innocence either turning them into their soldiers or changing them into something more heartbreaking, Fallen."

Undertaker stepped forward, placing a hand on Nea's cheek, drawing his attention. Rubbing his thumb softly in circles, Undertaker sighed. "Let's think of the now rather than later. Wipeout as many Exorcists as we can, lowering their numbers would help us greatly even if it's by a small margin."


"You're worried about Allen, right? About that little girl part of your family? Road was it?" Undertaker's eyes lit up.

"How'd you know her name?" Nea asked, leaning against the others hand.

"I'm a Reaper as well as an info broker I know about everything that goes on both in life and in death," Undertaker stated.

Abandoned {D. Gray-Man x Black Butler crossover}Where stories live. Discover now