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Note at the end. Enjoy.
As Undertaker gently placed Allen on the mattress, he noticed another presence with them both. He wasn't alarmed for he knew who this presence belonged to but...he could feel the burning anger.

"What happened?"

"He told me about his past. About what he went through," Undertaker replied, moving Allen's bangs from his face.

"Why is he unconscious then?"

Undertaker sighed, standing up after he placed a blanket on Allen. He moved towards the door, leaving the room, and making it to an empty one right across from Allen's in case anything happens.

"He pleaded. He said he couldn't handle another betrayal. If he did he'd rather die."


Undertaker leaned against the wall, hand coming to push his bangs out of the way, his eyes glowing in the darkness. "I should've been there."

"You weren't! He had to go through life thinking you were dead!" Nea appeared in front of Undertaker, eyes gold and filled with anger and possessiveness.

"I couldn't stay!" Undertaker stated bluntly, looking slightly down.

"You chose to leave him in pain!" Nea moved fast, his hand around Undertaker's neck, eyes bright and deadly, as he stared into green-yellowish eyes which reflected the same.

"I never meant to harm him! I wanted to protect him!"

"But you did harm him!" Nea's hand tightened. Undertaker felt the pressure but paid it no mind. He was livid.

"I wasn't the only one who harmed the child!" Undertaker stated, grabbing Nea's arm and clutching it painfully. "You hurt him! Played mind games! You lowered his self-esteem! You mentally damaged him!"


Undertaker switched their position, caging Nea against the wall, looking down at him almost like prey ready to be hunted.

"Your own hatred stopped you from seeing a child in pain until his own family rejected him! He was left alone! You tormented him until you were finally able to see how much he means to you!"

"I was trapped!"

"But you understood betrayal and pain as he does! You should have never played mind games with him!" Undertaker growled. His eyes glowed even more as a green aura surrounded him just as Nea's purple aura surrounded himself.

"I never meant to hurt him." Nea pleaded.

"Nor did I! What matters is we are here for him and to help him along the way! We protect him with our lives!" Undertaker growled out. He felt Nea calm himself as he centered himself as well. The auras disappeared, as he lessened his grip on the other neck.

"What the hell have we been doing?" Nea asked, his voice hoarse with exhaustion.

Undertaker gently started rubbing circles against Nea's neck. There was currently a red mark from how tightly he was choking the other and he felt the need to soothe the skin in any way he could. He felt the other relax, as he continued rubbing gentle circles.

"Improvising?" Undertaker stated getting a laugh out of Nea, feeling the vibrations of the reaction travel through his body. Undertaker hummed, leaning forward.

"I wonder..."

"Yes?" Nea replied breathlessly, eyes filled with joy.

"If the Black Order is multiplying by forcing people to merge with Innocence, why not use their own weapons against them?" Undertaker muttered right below Nea's ear, causing a shiver to run all over the other's body. Undertaker smirked as he felt it.

Abandoned {D. Gray-Man x Black Butler crossover}Where stories live. Discover now