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Lavi couldn't believe what was happening right now. Miranda was on the floor coughing with her hand gently brushing her neck to check how badly the bruise had formed. Allen was beside Kanda, who was currently glaring at Lavi. Wisely had opened his eyes a while ago, and he was looking towards Nea with a knowing smirk.

"Guy! We have trouble!" Sheril appeared through the door. All attention fell on him, everyone tensing and ready for the enemy in seconds.

"What's wrong, Sheril?" Allen asked.

"Apocryphos! He's found you, Allen!" Sheril looked frantic. Allen's eyes went wide, his shoulder shaking.

"W-What?!" He asked.

Sheril looked towards Nea, who had appeared behind Allen, grabbing the poor boy's shoulder to steady him. His aura was menacing, eyes gold and skin umber.

"He's here!" Sheril exclaimed.

Allen began to shake harshly, his eyes void of emotion, and his body slumped against his uncle as if he were a doll whose strings were cut. Nea held him tight against his chest, taking in deep breaths, knowing that Allen would be copying him unconsciously.

"Get the twins! We need them to secure the area!" Nea told Sheril, who nodded and disappeared from view.

Nea turned his attention to Kanda and Wisely, "Both of you make sure that Apocryphos is delayed. I don't care what the hell you do, but make sure he is busy while I take care of Allen."

Kanda and Wisely nodded, running towards the door and heading outside. Nea turned to Ciel and softened his gaze at the child, "Ciel, I need you to call Sebastion and Grell. They need to be here to protect you. If Apocryphos touches any human, he will kill them. A Demon and Reaper are enough to take him on if the situation calls for it." Ciel nodded.

Nea smiled. He turned his gaze to Tyki, "I need you to be on guard. I know you've fought Apocryphos before, so you are the most familiar. Go with Kanda and Wisely as well as report to Sheril the information you have." Tyki nodded before looking down at Allen in concern and worry.

"Don't worry, Allen will be fine. We'll keep him safe and away from harm." Nea reassured Tyki.

"Very well. I leave Moyashi to you both, take care of him." Tyki said before catching up to Kanda and Wisely.

Lavi, kneeling by Miranda's side, watched with urgency as everyone was ordered into position with no question. He turned his gaze to Allen, who still hadn't moved a finger. He felt someone watching him, and he moved his gaze up to see Nea's gaze at him.

"I am putting my trust into the both of you." Nea started. "I may not fully trust you both, but I trust Allen. I need you both to stand guard outside Allen's room." Nea maneuvered Allen, so he was holding him up bridal style. "Follow us."

Nea walked with Allen in his arms, all the way to his room. Lavi and Miranda trailed behind on guard, while Undertaker followed in eery silence. It unnerved Nea how Undertaker who's always joking around goes silent. He needed to talk to Undertaker, but right now, Allen needed help.

"Guard the door. Exorcists might think that while we are distracted, they can attack Allen. They won't. I need you to protect him with your lives, and that means you have to kill those you once knew in order to protect those who are precious and true. Do you both understand?" Nea asked, standing outside Allen's door. He watched as Lavi and Miranda glanced at each other with determination in their eyes.

They turned their attention back to Nea and nodded. "We will lay down our lives for Allen," Lavi said.

"If that means we kill those we thought were family, then we shall. Allen is what matters to us, and nothing will change that." Miranda explained, determination filling her voice.

Abandoned {D. Gray-Man x Black Butler crossover}Where stories live. Discover now