6: One's wants

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"She did not want love. She wanted to be loved and that was entirely different."


On the fourth day since his accident, Damian was  finally allowed to venture outside.

"How many coats would you like, your grace?"

"Just one ought to be enough, Peterson." He replied and tightened his cravat. "One that has a hood, this bandage is looking hideous on me."

"Of course, your grace."

His servant went to search his wardrobe. Today was quite sunny and the sky promised a good weather. He decided it was time to visit the boulder and see what has become of it. From what Ivo described, countless men have helped break it down since his accident.

"Here you go." Peterson raised the coat so he could insert his arms. Once in place, he patted the hood up on his head and watched the mirror. "Snug as a bug."

Damian chuckled, "That is exactly what I am. Now, go and fetch the carriage."

Peterson bowed and left. With one last glance at the mirror, he made his way towards the door.

Lydia had just finished dressing up for the day. She intended to visit the local market and see what flowers they could add for the greenhouse. The late duchess' collection was full of lavender and roses. The scents reminded her of the wedding and other bad memories. It was simply choking her.

Evangeline was tying her bonnet when a knock sounded from the door.

Her maid's face soured, "Mayhap you ought to use the window and escape your mother." She whispered.

"Do not be ridiculous. It may not be her. Besides, I do not wish to ruin my dress by climbing out that window."

The knocking intensified. "Lydia? Are in you there?"

She and her maid froze. It was indeed her mother. Their eyes met at the mirror. A nod from Evangeline indicated she would lock the door before Agatha could barge in. Then they would hope she would leave after no response was heard.

With quick and quite steps, Lydia flattened herself against the wall as her maid carefully turned the lock. It made a tiny click sound but was soon droned out from the incessant knocking.

"Open up Lydia, it is your mother. I must have a word with you..." a pause, "no, I shall handle this myself. You go fetch the steward and demand the key to this room. Now!"

Evangeline turned to Lydia. It seemed that Agatha had called the servants attention. If Oscar gives them the key, there was nowhere to hide. She tiptoed and whispered again, "Are you certain you cannot go through his lordship's portal?"

Lydia shook her head. She had tried countless times and the door connecting her room to Damian's had never turned.

"Go." Her maid said as she pushed the windows open. "There is fresh hay by left side. It will break your fall."

"What?! Are you insane? I cannot be seen jumping out of my window in broad daylight!" Lydia hissed. "And Oscar may not give her the keys."

"We do not know that. Just do it, Lyd. It won't be your first time to do so."

No. It would not be. She and Evangeline had done it numerous times when she wanted to escape her parents. But they would always do it in trousers, never in dresses. And they always used a ladder.

She threw a glance at her door. Her mother's footsteps tapped impatiently against the floor and it would just be any minute now before a servant would bring in the keys. She considered the window. It offered escape but—

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