28: Christmastide at Hinley

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"Love is what is in the room with you at Christmas if you stop your presents and listen."


Snow had fallen and it was falling quicker by the hour. Damian and Lydia sprinted back toward the manor, giggling as they reached the doors.

"I haven't done that in a while," Lydia said. She puffed out smoke as the cold got to her. "My hometown doesn't get a lot of snow."

Damian was dusting off the bits of snow from his shoulders then started doing the same to his wife, "And I reckon you barely ran outside when you were younger, it does not look good for a lady. But that was fun and also reckless, duchess. We could get sick from the cold."

She tiptoed and cupped his face between her hands, "Then we can both stay in bed all day long."

"Ah, if we do will I be able to satisfy you in a day? Or perhaps, we can feign sickness now. And go upstairs. You know, start early."

"Damian!" she gasped, "That is so wicked!"

He bent down and gave her a kiss. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. When they parted, he held her hands in his. Keeping them from shivering.

In moments like the one they were experiencing, Lydia found herself completely immersed in the magic of the evening. All her worries, responsibilities, and the troubles of the world seemed to melt away when Damian was near. His presence was like a comforting shield, enveloping her in a sense of safety and warmth that she cherished.

She couldn't help but reflect on the deep connection they shared. When she was in Damian's arms, his tender kisses and reassuring words had the power to wash away any anxieties. In those moments, she felt like she would brave any storm, cross any mountain, or endure any hardship just to be by his side. Their bond was a source of strength and solace in a world filled with uncertainties, and Lydia treasured it above all else.

"I like this feeling, " he said as he kissed her hand, "being with you."

"I like it very much, as well."

They continued to walk without saying a word. The music from the ballroom can be heard through the hallways but they were in no hurry to join the fray. Their hands comfortably twined with each other.


Dathan was playing the pianoforte when they arrived. His wife stood by his side, humming to a melody. It was a slow song, one that was known throughout the city and often performed in operas. Em sang like a professional. Her face painted the emotions conveyed by the lyrics and she appeared to be enjoying the song. Lydia had no idea that the woman could sing.

They stood near the doors and listened as the couple performed a solemn piece. The guests also paused to absorb the performance. When Em finished, they gave her a round of applause. Dathan gave her a peck on the cheek. She blushed at the display of affection.

"If I may have your attention please?" Dathan said, "I would like to make an announcement."

They moved closer. Damian pulled Lydia and brought themselves toward the group.

"Some of you know me my face and name--the spare, the duke's twin." he started, "And so many other names. Ones I prefer to forget. But tonight, I am Dathan Davensport. Married to this wonderful woman and Marchioness, Emelia Rose Roderick nee Rosalia Grace Rheinhold. I have been lucky enough to have found love and friendship with her. And just recently, we were surprised by another blessing. I am to be the father of our child," his hand went up to her abdomen, "heir of a noble title."

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