13: The Guest

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"People are either born hosts or born guests."

-Max Beerbohm

After Oscar left with the much hurried invitation, Lydia gave herself the much needed rest.

Rain had continued to rage outside and she found herself drowsy. She set her robe aside and dove under the covers.

The door connecting to the Damian's was dark. Mayhap he had already fallen asleep. She blew the candles out and went into bed. The warmth and memory of Damian's kiss made her drift off with a smile.

The next day

Damian was making his rounds down the stables when he saw his mother-in-law talking with a maid. Their voices were hushed down and he could not make out what they were saying. When he neared the two, the maid was already departing.

Agatha noticed him and smiled, "Good day, your grace. You are up early today."

"I have some business to tend to, mother." He replied. "And what prompted you here? In the stables?"

"Oh, well. Nothing. I needed someone to send some letters and I couldn't find anyone. But I saw that maid in here, so I asked to go."

"I see." He tapped his walking stick and stared at her. "There is something I wish to discuss with you."

"Whatever is it, your grace?"

"How is your relationship with your daughter?"

Agatha laughed nervously, "I do not quite understand the question, your grace. We get along just fine. She is such a sweet, sweet thing, you see? Lydia and I—"

"You call her, Lydia?" He interrupted.

Agatha shrugged, "Well, yes. She is my daughter after all. And being her mother, the countess, has always called her that. She—"

"—is my duchess." He snapped irritably. "You must address her as the duchess. I demand the same kind of respect you bestow on me to my wife. She may be your daughter but she is now a duchess. In my presence or not, you are to curtsy to her."


"Is that understood?"

"Yes, your grace." She bowed her head. Teeth clenched. "I shall remember to do as you asked."

Confident that he had cut off her horns, he walked away.

Over the course of two weeks, Lydia had managed to prepare everything for the ball. When she was unoccupied, Damian would take her to town. Sometimes they would go out riding alone. He would hold her hand when walking, kiss her cheeks when no one looked. And attend to her like a good husband ought to be. But he never did attempt anything further. Not until she was ready.

Lydia appreciated it all. It felt wonderful to be wanted again. This time, she had no doubts that he was indeed a changed man. They flirted, laughed and even shared a hug or two. Their evening rituals continued. He sends her flowers or sweets and they would dine in his chambers. They would share a bottle of wine and call it a night.

When in the presence of others, they appeared courteous and respectful of each other. If Agatha noticed the changes, she gave no indication.  She often disappeared into her chambers most days, writing letters. But the servants most definitely noticed the changed in their masters. There were smiles in the breakfast table now.

Today, Lydia was expecting her mother-in-law to arrive. They only have three days before the ball and responses from other guests also arrived. They are to expect more arrivals tomorrow and the next day. While she dressed to meet the late duchess Lucille, her maid came into view.

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