25: Private gathering

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"Possibility is a private party to which you are no longer invited."

They all sat in the drawing room. The servants left and closed the door to give them privacy.

Lydia sat beside her husband, assuming the duchess' role more than ever. Her gray eyes traveled from her brother-in-law to his wife.

Rose appeared calm and regal in that lilac gown she wore. She appeared different in some way. On her side, sat Dathan, the ever-doting husband, sat quietly as he held her hand.

"I supposed I can shed light on all these." Said a voice from the corner. "After all, I did barge in here."

"Speak, your majesty," Damian said.

Alexi smiled and waved the glass of brandy in one hand, "Very well. Despite our first meeting being brief, I assumed you know my disposition is at the moment?"

"Of course." The duke replied and took a sip of his drink. "You are a crown prince who loved to travel and squander your family's money. No ill intent meant."

"Damian.." Lydia gasped.

"It is true, duchess. No need to fret. No offense taken." He strides back and forth between the two couples. "Because of that said disposition, I have been tasked to retrieve Emelia and her husband back to Habsburg."

"Why is that?"

"Well, Emelia is technically my sister-in-law. Being promised to her sister, that is. And I, as the next king and head of the family, is responsible for her well-being."


"I am promised to her sister, Lady Rosalind."

"You have a sister? And a titled one at that?" Damian asked Em.

She nodded. "I have only learned when I traveled to Habsburg. We are half-sisters, same father but different mothers."

"But that does not change that you are the Marquess' daughter." Alexi snapped. "You are, in every essence, part of the Rheinhold family. The second most influential and richest family in the kingdom. Next to the royal family—that is."

The room grew quiet.

Lydia was the first to break it. "Not long ago you were but a chambermaid and now you are...an aristocrat as well?"

"Unbelievable as it may sound, duchess, but yes. Emelia is and never was, a commoner." Alexi added. "And not only that but she is also titled."

Dathan exhaled, "You can leave that part out."

"And why is that brother?" The duke asked. "I was promised that everything will be explained once we got here. Why leave out important details?"

His green-blue eyes turned to his twin. "It is not nearly as important as the prince makes it sound."

"I beg to differ, Dathan." Alexi chimed in. "It is in fact, essential. Because that is the very reason why you two ran away."

"We did not run away, your majesty." Em said.

"Then why are you here?" Lydia asked.

Em met her gaze. She had vowed to never see the duchess again and Lydia made her swear to never return. But here they are.

"It was our own decision to leave. For a while."

"We meant to return," Dathan said. "But not just yet."

Damian felt the headaches coming. He closed his eyes and said. "Can someone please explain what on earth is going on?!"

"You go on ahead, Alexi." Em said.

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