Cheddar Cheese and Rainbows

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~In which you rebel against a photographer, nearly drop kick a child in self defense, teach Naruto a lesson he'll never forget, and summon a rainbow like a badass~

A/N: Ello, ello, ello! What do we 'ave ere? (Internally cringes) It appears to be... 100 READS!? HDNZNDX WHAT IN THE NAME OF ANIME!?... Ok but in all seriousness, thank you all so much! It may not seem like much compared to other stories, but to me this means the world. I have loved writing this story, and I am planning to see it through to the end. 

I don't want to take up to much of ya'll's valuable reading time, so lemme get straight to the point of this A/N: I'm planning on making a special. I was thinking of doing an incorrect quotes chapter cause' I haven't had the chance to create deep enough bonds with the characters for a one-on-one chapter just yet. I am, however, open to suggestions and if you guys want it, I'm happy to do a one-on-one; After all, this story wouldn't be where it is now without you! Comment what you guys would like me to do, and any preferences you have!



Sitting cross legged on the floor, you begin to write down everything you knew about the future into your 'Book of Purpose', or 'BOP' for short.

The name was inspired by the woman who gifted it to you. 

^^^Back to the present^^^

It's 8am, far to early to be up in your opinion.

But did you have a choice?


"Y/N-CHANNN!!" Naruto yells from outside your door. "WAKE UP!!"

BAM! You, being the highly-evolved lifeform you are, smack your head on the ceiling after being startled by Naruto's 'Wakeup call'.

"Mother of macaroni-!" You hiss in pain, cradling your wound. "Naruto, what is it!? I swear, if you cut yourself trying to open a packet of ramen again-"



As in, our genin ID pictures?


^^^Mini timeskip brought to you by setting a new world record in 'fastest morning routine^^^

"Say 'cheese'!" The photographer says, momentarily blinding you as he took your photo.

"Cheddar!" You say, smiling. Heheh I is rebel.

"There, all done." He says, handing you your new ID card. "You look lovely, by the way."

Lovely!? I don't look lovely! I am the least photogenic person I know!  You mentally screech. He's probably just trying to be nice, I probably look like a greasy onion who had a child with a moldy potato! Oh, my life is over. Goodbye Konoha, I'm running away to join the Strawhats! I'm gonna commit so much arson and- WHAT THE HECK!?

You stare at your photo in awe, mentally thanking the Anime gods for the gift they granted you. You. Look. Hot. Like, a-mix-between-a-Disney-princess-and-those-awesome-anime-girls hot.

The Anime and Manga gods have bestowed a great blessing upon you, and you vow to make use of it.

You smile slightly to yourself as you leave the room, making eye contact with Naruto. 

You then proceed to choke on air. You had COMPLETELY forgotten about this part.

There stands Naruto in all his glory, proudly sporting- you don't even know WHAT was on his face.

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