Friggin' Elsa and Her Stupid Mirrors

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~In which a girl who's actually a guy attacks people with mirrors whilst sprinting at the speed of light~


Team Seven, their Sensei, and Tazuna all finally arrived at the bridge, only to find the builders unconscious like absolute plebs.

"What happened? Someone was here! Someone got to them!"

You cautiously stroll over to one of the builders and kick them in the shin; They let out a groan of pain. "Well, they're not dead."

"I can confirm, they are still alive" Kakashi says, standing up after he took one of their pulses.

Immediately after he said this, mist began rolling in from all sides, obscuring vision all around.

"This mist.. Sasuke, Sakura, Y/N, Naruto- Get ready! He just couldn't wait for round two.."


"Well well, so I had it right. It was all an act." Kakashi mocks, breaking the silent tension that had been building between the Ninja.

"An act?" Tazuna asks.

"With a cute little mask." Kakashi, wearing his cute little mask that covers the lower half of his face, says.

"So I guess.." Tazuna says in realization, "All that about being a tracker Ninja protecting the village was just a bunch of bull."

"mm hmm." You reply.

Meanwhile, Kakashi is busy observing them. "They look pretty chummy to me. I'd say they've been pulling scams like that for a long time."

"They've got some nerve, facing us again after that trick." Sakura sneers.

"And hiding behind that mask. Who does he think he's fooling?" Kakashi asks.

"Umm.. you?" You offer helpfully.

"Speak for yourself, Sensei." Sakura butts in.

"Who does he think he is? Hiding be hind that mask like some sort of clown? That's it." Sasuke says coldly. "I'm taking him out."

"Like, on a date or.." You ask.

"No, Y/N. I'm going kill him." Sasuke says as he side-glares you.

"Heh?? I will not stand for this act of bullying poor defenseless assassins. I won't let you." You state as you move your arm slightly to show your weapon: 2 throwing knives that curve like a crescent moon. Alina gave them to you, saying that they could be your greatest ally in a fight or something. You honestly just thought they looked badass.

(A/N: They can look like and be any color you want. It's your weapon, and entirely up to you!)

"So it is true." Haku says from behind his mask. "You really do love me.."

"What..?" You question him, confusion present in your eyes.

When in the frittatas did I say that??

"You're willing to go against your own teammates to protect me. If our bond is strong enough to do that, then you must truly care for me." Haku's logical, yet monotone voice says.

Haku, you're a little OOC there.. I mean, I know I said I liked yanderes, but when it's actually happening-

"Y/N, back down." Kakashi states, with a 'Not now, L/N' tone of voice. "Go cover Tazuna with Sakura. Let Sasuke and I handle this."

Oh hell naw. This isn't some 'I AM HERE' All Might bullshit where you come in and take over the fight.


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