A Reason to fight

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~In which you get beaten up by a new friend. A lot. You also get a piggy back ride... so... Yay?~

(A/N: The picture above is roughly what I imagined Alita to look like)

(A/N: This is a bit of a filler chapter that I'm using to set up future events. I wanted to give Y/N some training so she just isn't just like 'HeY lOoK At mE! i'M aN OP niNjA wHo'S nEvEr EvEn TrAiNeD bEfOrE!!'. As well as this, I have added in a new face and my own OC who will be making more appearances later on.



The clouds above you part as a rainbow tears through the air towards the ground- Creating a massive crater and stripping several trees of their leaves.

"... Holy shit." You say, stunned, before your face slowly contorts into a manic grin. "Me likey."

Your moment of plotting was short-lived, however, because from the other side of the tree line you hear shouts growing louder by the second.

"Did you see that!?"

"What was that thing!?"

"It looked like... A rainbow!?"

"It came from over there!"


^^^Back to the Present^^^

"...I though you said she wasn't a threat."

"That's because she isn't."

"Isn't!?  Did you not see what she did!? She destroyed the entire training ground in one move!"

"She did not destroy the training ground, Alita."

"What are you talking about!? There's a big ass CRATER in the MIDDLE OF THE EFFING GROUNDS!!"

"I know this, but by definition, a crater and total destruction are two very different things."


You are seated just outside of the Hokage's office, listening to the people inside argue. Well, more like one of them screeching at the top of their lungs and the other speaking calmly.

Take a guess as to who's who. 

The doors open and out walks the Hokage and someone you don't recognize. She has dark brown hair styled into a flowing ponytail and matching eyes. She's wearing a red top with black leggings. On her waist hangs a sheathed sword.

"Y/N." The Hokage says, snapping you from your train of thought. "This is Alita."

"Sup." She says, accompanied by a two-fingered wave.

"Hey." You reply, returning the gesture.

"Yes, yes." The Hokage says, continuing his previous statement. "Y/N, Alita will be helping you get a handle on your abilities. I have a feeling she's the perfect mentor for you."

You give the Hokage a 'WTF' face. "Wait, Mentor?" The Hokage nods. "I don't need no mentor! Did you not see what I did back at the training grounds!?"

"Precisely my point." The Hokage says. "That jutsu of yours is quite powerful, but you can't control it. At least not yet. That's what Alita is here is for. She'll help you grow your abilities, nurture them to their full potential. You have the capabilities to become the greatest ninja this world has ever seen, if only you were taught how."

"Dude, I'm not even capable of performing 1+1 without a calculator. What makes you think I can become 'the greatest ninja this world has ever seen'?" You ask, skeptically.

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