Tazuna Matata

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~iT's VinEgAr, CoWaRd~


"You. Pass." Kakashi repeats.

"Wat do you mean?" Sakura asks incredulously, "How'd we pass?"

"You're the first squad that ever passed." Kakashi starts, "The others did exactly what I said and fell into every trap. They couldn't think for themselves. A ninja must see through deception. In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." He finishes.

He said it! He said the thing!!  You happily squeal inside your head, grinning.

"He's uh.. You know.. He's kind of cool." Naruto says tearfully.

"The exercise is over- Everyone passes." Kakashi announces, "Squad Seven starts its first mission tomorrow!"


"I did it! I did it, believe it! I'm a ninja! Ninja! Ninja!"

Kakashi turns to walk off like a badass when he suddenly doubles over in pain.

After delivering a quick, sharp kick to his shin, you jump on his kneeled-over, now-accessible back and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Walk." You command.

Rolling his eyes, Kakashi stands back up like a champion and begins to walk away with you riding shotgun as the others follow.




"Hey guys.. What about me!?"




..Everyone except for Naruto.


"Sasuke, point B."

"Sakura, point C."

"Naruto, point A."

"Naruto, you're to slow. Y/N? Y/N..!?"

"Yeah, yeah. Y/N, point That's What She Said."

"That's what-? Y/N, you're at point D."

"I know. Oh, by the way, I have the cat."

"HUH!? HOW!?"


"Oops, sorry Sakura."



Your teammates make their way over to you, Naruto and Sakura loudly arguing the whole way. You, meanwhile, cradle the cat in your arms whilst nuzzling your face into its fur like a 2-year-old. Tora purrs, content with the attention.


Suddenly, Tora is snatched from your grasp by Naruto. "Ah Ha!!" He yells, "We finally caught you!"

Now, Tora liked you- You were nice and scratched him behind the ears. But whoever the heck this loud, annoying, migraine-inducing blond was, Tora did not like him one bit. So naturally, Tora released his inner Chonk Norris.

Lunging at him, Tora delivers a swipe to Naruto's face, scratching him.

"AhhhHHHHH!!" Naruto yells in pain, desperately trying to pry the unhinged thing off of himself.

"Can you verify the red ribbon on the right ear?" Kakashi asked over the intercom system, overlooking Naruto's.. Situation.

"Affirmative, we got a positive I.D." Sasuke answers, completely ignoring Naruto, who is still screaming in the background. Jeez, give this kid an award; It's been, like, a solid 30 seconds of him assaulting your eardrums with his screeching.

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