Seven Eleven

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~In which you meet your team: One happy, One fangirling, One being emo, and One being a smug little shit. Plus Eraserhead the closet pervert.~ 


(A/N: To all those who got the reference above- PLUS ULTRA!) 


(Naruto's P.O.V)

Rushing downstairs, I pick up her unconscious body bridal-style and take her upstairs to her room. Grabbing the key she gave me after the whole photo day disaster, I unlock her door and head inside. Placing her in her bed, I see little details that I had never noticed before.

The way the moonlight hit her S/C skin.

The little imperfections on her face.

The way her lips gently- Oh, wait. Never mind, Dattebayo. She's snoring.

Climbing down her ladder, I exit her room and close the door.

Laying back down in my own bed, I desperately try to ignore the heat that has risen to my cheeks.

^^^Back to the Present^^^

~3rd P.O.V~

A miracle has taken place.

Y/N has not needed coffee this morning.

Yup, you heard it right folks; Y/N L/N DID NOY HAVE COFFEE THIS MORNING.

Why, you ask?

Well, she was kind of excited when she found out she was joining Team Seven.

And by kind of I mean she shrieked at the top of her lungs and fainted.

But we don't talk about that.

Now, after somehow waking up in your own bed, you're walking to the academy way earlier than Naruto could even dream of waking up.

At around 6:30am, you reach the classroom and silently squeal. It's happening~ My road to changing the plot starts today~

Pushing open the doors with purpose, you don't even flinch when it hits the wall with a very loud bang. 

It is then you realize you're not the only one in the classroom. How do you know this? Probably the cold, sharp edge of a kunai pressed to your neck.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Comes a voice which you instantly recognize.

Staying silent for a moment, a smirk appears on your lips.

"I'll do you one better- Who are you, and why are you here?"

The kunai instantly retracts, leaving you rubbing your neck. Your attacker mumbles quick 'Sorry'.

"Cheezits Duckbutt, be careful where you're waving that thing! You could cut someone!" You exclaim.

"That's the point, dobe." Sasuke replies, being his emo self. He puts away his kunai and goes back to his seat, folding his hands under his head and closing his eyes.

He did not, however, count on you deciding to be a little shit.

Making a few quick hand signs you sneak up behind him. "Ice bucket challenge jutsu!"


Sasuke is drenched in cold, cold water. He slowly raises his head and turns to face you. Run.

..ning is futile. Sasuke is to fast for you to outrun as he tackles you onto the ground. "Noo!! I'm getting soaked!!" You screech,  trying desperately to push him off of you. However, Sasuke's grip is to tight for you to pull off.

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