Chapter 7

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Christie Montiero's POV 

I woke up the next morning with a sore headache as I hadn't gotten much sleep. My mind was spinning as I sat up on the bed. My eyes fell down to my night stand where I found a white note folded into half. Immediatley taking it, I read it. 

We have gone hunting, you didn't look so well. Take the pill from the kitchen counter. We will be back in a week. Stay put and call us if you need anything. You will come hunting with us next week so get some rest since you don't have to go to university until the end of the month. 

Take care Chris,


I pulled myself out of bed, leaving the note back on the bed as I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. After my necessities I pulled on a big white hoodie and some black leggings. Running down to grab myself some breakfast, I heard a knock on my door. My heart immediatley started pounding as the thoughts of the person on the other side of the door started flooding my mind. Could it be him? Would it be him? I mean he did say we will meet again. That cannot be him. Why would he want to meet me anyways? I kept walking towards the door, nervous, excited and another bunch of emotions running within me as I shakily opened the door. Behind it, was a very stunninng, short, brunette female, with sparkling blue eyes and a very big belly, clearly she was pregnant. She looked a lot like Alex, just a female version. 

"Hi, how may I help you?" I said looking at the very bright smile she had drawn to her face. She paused for a few minutes just analysing me before she snapped out of her thoughts with a reply.

"Hi, I'm Hannah, my car just broke down and I was wondering if I could use your phone to call my brother? Forgot my phone at home" her words stunned me. Alex said he has a sister named Hannah, could this be her? She looks very much alike. Before I knew it my heart started racing again as I stared into her deep blue eyes trying to find an answer. Unknowingly, I found myself nodding my head at her question. I walked down to the kitchen counter before I could embarass myself even more and passed Hannah the landline. She instantly dialed a number and I heard the voice at the other end of the line. Oh hell. It's his. Most defenitley his. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? What if she is a warewolf? What if she tries to kill me? Oh no she wouldn't do that. Alex wouldn't let her. Would he? A rush of negative thoughts surrounded me as I watched Hannah disconnect the call. 

"Great, thank you so much. My brother will be here in ten minutes, do you mind if I wait inside while he comes, it's quite cold outisde and well I can't let the little one get hurt." she says pointing at her large stomach. I nodded my head, still afraid and confused at the same time. Is this supposed to be fate? I thought to myself. "Oh I didn't quite catch your name earlier." she said seating herself on the seat in front of mine with lots of care. 

"I'm Christie." I abruptly say, more confident. I'm a hunter for christ sake! She cannot hurt me. She stretched her hand out for me to shake, and I did. Her touch is similar to Alex's but there is no spark. Thank god.  

For the next ten minutes we talk about how she met her husband Charles, her hobbies and her thoughts on female baby names. She even asked for my suggestions. Hannah is quite a cool girl, nothing like I expected, or feared and within ten minutes we were already like best friends. Like i had known her for a long time. When there is a knock on the door for a second time, I tense up at the thought of Alex behind it. What will I say to him? Should I pretend like I knew she was his sister? Or not? It's too late to think as I am already at the door, with Hannah by my side. Nervously, I open the door, revealing a handsome and simply breathtaking Alex, wearing casual blue jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt.  He wears a black leather jacket on top, which makes him look even hotter. His welt built body very visble from his see through shirt.  As I realise I had been drooling over him, I hear him jerk me awake from my vivid thoughts. 

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