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Tyler hadn't waited for the two of us to come downstairs, Luke checking his phone finally and seeing he'd gone without us. We quickly hauled ass over to Pioneer, before all the good food was gone and the hall was too busy. Tyler sat with Ripley, Tate and a couple of others I recognised from the party. They were the second division boys who were good at most positions, so they were back-ups in case one of the guys was sick, or unable to play.

"Take your time" Tyler commented, as Luke and I sat.

"Don't" Luke warned. Tyler chuckled, not letting Luke's snappy behaviour get to him.

"Relax Bennett, I'm taking the piss"

"Yeah, whatever"

"Wow, she really fucked you off that much huh?" Ripley said. Luke's burning eyes stared into Ripley's for a second. I gulped. If looks could kill, Ripley would be six feet under.

"What did you say about her?" Luke started to go red, his fists balling up so his whole body shook. My breathing got stuck in my throat, afraid he was about to punch Ripley.

"I'm not talking about her, idiot. I mean Bunker's sister" Ripley said. I knew he wasn't the type to back down. And I also knew Ripley would probably snap Luke in half, like a toothpick. I reached for Luke's hand under the table and felt his tenseness shift as he took a deep breath.

"I hope she never speaks to me again, after the way I spoke to her today" Luke said. Ripley went back to his food, like he wasn't about to get vocal with Luke. The table conversation resumed, and I carefully pulled my hand from Luke's, going back to my dinner.

"So when does the new defence get here?" One of the other guys asked. Tyler, Ripley, Tate and Luke shrugged.

"Monday, Coach thinks." Tyler answered.

"God, I hope he's not some cocky I-was-the-best-at-high-school son of a bitch." Tate said.

"He will be." Ripley replied.

"Fuck off Ripley, you don't even know"

"Yeah, I do. Because you were the exact same when you came. And then you got stuck in second D for two years"

The whole table erupted into laughter as Tate flipped Ripley off. Ripley even smiled a little, proud of his own joke.

"You can all get fucked" Tate responded, but he was smiling.

"Or maybe just Bennett and Pruitt" Tyler said. Luke went bright red, and I choked on a French fry.

"Smooth Coop, real fucking smooth"

"Aww come on Bennett, it was a joke"

"Yeah whatever. You all need to stop giving me shit for the party and go find your own girlfriends"

"I have one" Tyler shot back.

"Me too" Piped up Tate.

"Whatever" Luke muttered. I put my hand back down and reached over and touched his thigh. It seemed to calm him down, the exact way I'd hoped it would.

"You guys are fucking annoying"

"Whatever, lover boy. You'd be lost without us."

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Aww, did we piss off itty bitty Bennett?"

"Yes, daily"

The table broke out in laughter, Luke smiling as he shook his head. I was thankful that these guys were as relaxed as they were. I had been friends with only one boy in high school, and the rest were girls. By the start of my Junior year, I'd basically alienated myself from everyone but him, as the girls were filled of too much drama. He had decided to stay in New York for college though, while I ventured off to Minnesota.

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