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Once we really boiled down Lexi's New York desires, we had managed to fill up a lot of time but we also weren't rushing around like mad women trying to fit everything in, it was a perfect balance of getting things done and not missing out on anything she really wanted to do.

From downtown at the World Trade Center, moving up to Times Square and Rockefeller Center, and right on through to Central Park, Lexi was officially 'New York'ed and we were making our way back to Minnesota tomorrow.

New Year's came and went, and we did actually go to Times Square and watched the ball drop at midnight as we welcomed in 2020. We even got to see Wicked on Broadway, which Lexi basically cried through. She got to cross all her major bucket list items off and we promised to return in the summer to finish off the New York experience. Unfortunately our flight back tomorrow was super early and my mom had to go back to work, so we weren't doing anything major, just packing and relaxing around the house.

I was kind of glad to be heading back, but kind of sad at the same time. I'd have liked to have had tomorrow to just relax without mom there constantly listening in on us or trying to watch us and figure out what we were up to. Because pleasant as she may have been, I knew her enough to know it was a cover-up. But Lexi had really come through for me and no breath of the h-word had made its way to New York.

Lexi and I sluggishly sat in my room, folding various clothing items and putting them away. We were taking our time because there was nothing left for us to do and no time to do it anyway, so it helped make the day go faster. My mom had gone out for lunch with a friend and Joey had gone downtown to meet one of his friends from Brooklyn for coffee so Lexi and I were the only ones home.

"I guess it's just as well we're not doing anything today. I'm exhausted" Lexi yawned, me nodding in agreement.


"Thanks for taking me around everywhere" I smiled tiredly.

"You're welcome. I hope you had fun"

"Are you kidding? It was the best time ever! And I'll admit it, none of the major things I wanted to do were as fun as the things you suggested. Besides Broadway obviously"

"Seriously?" She nodded.

"Duh! The Lexington Candy shop was way cooler than watching the ball drop in Times Square" I grinned.

"That diner has always been one of my favorites in the city, the food is so good!"

"I agree. And the libraries were all so much fun! I never thought I'd say that about a library of all things"

"Well, I'm glad you've had a great time. I, for one, can't wait to be back in Minnesota tomorrow"

"When does everyone else get back?" I shrugged.

"I know Bunk's back on the 6th, and Tate's back before that. Bennett probably won't come back until the 15th or something stupid, just before classes start up again. I haven't really talked to Fraser or Coop much"

"Maybe you should call him?"

"Who Coop?" I asked, prompting Lexi to roll her eyes.

"No, idiot. Fraser"

"Oh, maybe"

"Why not?" I sighed.

"I don't know, our last conversation felt kinda forced and awkward. Especially after I told him about Luke talking to me before we left. I haven't even told him Luke and I had been sleeping in his bed together for a few nights before we left." Lexi's eyes went wide and she almost spat her coffee at me.

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