Chapter 7

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Xiaomei and LiMei arrive back at the cold palace. It was quiet as if no one even noticed or cared they were gone. On the other hand, LiMei was extremely worried. However, Xiaomei knows that they (the main couple) are busy figuring out if they love each other right now and trying to find the mastermind behind all of this, so they are fine now.
"Miss, where do you want me to put this stuff?" LiMei asked.
"Just place them on the table, and I will take care of the rest," she replied and went to plant the plants. She grabbed the short hoe and walked towards the well before digging two holes. She then planted the tomatoes and pepper in the holes. Then she watered the two plants before clearing more areas for her to plant more vegetables.

A couple of minutes passed by, and LiMei went to look for her. "My lady, where are you?" LiMei holler.
"I'm over here," Xiaomei answered back, wiping sweat off her forehead.
"Miss, what are you doing?" LiMei said and was astonished at how dirty Xiaomei was.
"I'm cleaning the area so I can plant the seed I bought," Xiaomei said and continued digging up the ground.

"My lady, let me do it." LiMei insisted.
"No, it's okay. You go and eat the steam buns I bought. There's another bag wrapped in cloth," Xiaomei said. "I'm almost done anyway," she added.

"Miss, I must do it. You are dirty, and your hands have blisters," LiMei continued insisting. Xiaomei smiled and finished before LiMei could take the hoe away from her. "See, all done," Xiaomei said. LiMei did a small silent pout at Xiaomei. Xiaomei grabbed the seeds she bought and said, "LiMei, you can help me plant the cilantro." LiMei lit up and agreed. "Just sprinkle it over this area," Xiaomei directed her. Then Xiaomei started making straight lines in the dirt and planted the onion individually in a single-file line.

"Miss, why are you doing the harder job? Let me do that one," LiMei said.
"This is the easier job," Xiaomei lied while crouching. LiMei pouted again and continued her job.

Once they are finished, they water the seeds. And, Xiaomei then put all the stuff she bought away in the cabinet before sitting and eating the steam buns with LiMei. "Ah!" Xiaomei remembered and shoved the last piece in her mouth and hurried over to the cabinet before grabbing a piece of paper and the ink.

"Miss, what are you doing?" LiMei asked.

"Writing something," Xiaomei answered as she thought in her head, "trying to go home!" She writes down, A girl in her 20s, working as an editor with a loving family....
She continues writing about her life and then rubs her pointed finger against the sheet until she papercuts herself.

"Miss!" LiMei shouts and hurries at her, trying to wipe the blood away.
"Hold on," she said and let her blood drip on the paper as she waited; however, nothing happened. Xiaomei's spirit fell as she sighs in disbelief. How am I going to go home? Xiaomei thought as her fingers continued to bleed.

"Miss," LiMei said, wrapping her finger with a handkerchief.

Would dying work? Ugh! Wait! At the end of the story, it says when they won the battle, the sky cleared up, and the sun shined as if the heavens were opening and looking down on them with each other in their arms.
Xiaomei took a deep breath and was not paying attention to LiMei, who was tying the bandage in a knot.
Okay, let's wait and see if that works. If not, then I'll kill myself. So, I just need to stay alive. *sigh* How can I survive in three months and not change the story? Ugh! Xiaomei messed up her hair as she was stressed.

"Miss, are you okay?" LiMei asked.

Ugh! Forget it. I'll just live my best until it's time, and then I'll figure it out! As her head was starting to hurt.

"Miss, are you okay?" LiMei asks again, concerned. Xiaomei finally snapped out of her thoughts and did a quick sigh before nodding her head.

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