Chapter 73

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Zhou Haitao laughed, "Surprised to see me?" However, before he could finish his sentence, the archers surrounding them were getting shot down one by one. Zhou Haitao's smile slowly died, and his eyes started to become dark.

"We were expecting you," LiJie said with a cold remark.

Zhou Haitao frowned before glancing at Minister Yu, who immediately charged toward the Emperor. Minister Yu pulled out a sword ready to strike the Emperor.

However, once he was close enough to kill on the spot, the Emperor immediately pulled a sword and deflected the attack before using all his strength to strike Minister Yu down.

Before Minister Yu could get up and attack again, two sharp swords were against his neck. "Don't you dare make a move," LiJie said.

Minister Yu immediately looked at Zhou Haitao for help. Zhou Haitao glanced at him and said under his breath, "How useless," before giving a signal to his men.

At that moment, two arrows came soaring down and aimed at LiJie and Bojing, who held their swords against Minister Yu's neck. They quickly swung their swords up and cut the flying arrows in half. Minister Yu immediately took his chance to get up and attack, but both Bojing and LiJie were quick enough to defend themselves.

Without warning, Zhou Haitao shouted, "Attack!" as he raised his hand, ordering the soldiers to charge. The soldiers immediately started taking charge and attacking. LiJie instantly whistled as the royal army broke through and charged towards the enemy.

It didn't take long before Haoyu said, "Miss, it's best for us to go to the safe area." Xiaomei nodded in agreement, and they both started to make their way there. Haoyu continued to cut his way through and protect Xiaomei with all his capability. Before any enemy could face her, Haoyu immediately killed them on the spot.

Since it was Xiaomei's top priority to get to the safe area, she didn't pay any attention to the fight between Zhou Haitao and LiJie, or Bojing, who was busy protecting the Emperor, or Chuhua and Baozhai, who was also making their way to the safe area.

Xiaomei stuck close to Haoyu to avoid any enemy encounters, but she didn't notice one of Zhou Haitao's men had appeared behind her. Before Haoyu could react, the man lifted his sword to strike. As the sword was an inch away from her, a hand pulled her into his embrace and deflected the sword with his before quickly using the same hand that had grabbed her to snatch her hairpin and use it to stab the enemy's neck. He pulled the hairpin dagger out before the man fell to the ground. Xiaomei looked up to see ZhangWei covered with blood splatters all over his face. She reached out to wipe it away. He glanced down at her before saying, "Didn't I tell you to be aware of your surroundings."

"I-I...," she didn't know what to say as she had no excuse to give. "Sorry...," she said.

"Dummy, I wasn't yelling at you. Just reminding you," he said, lightly tapping her forehead before handing the hairpin dagger to her. "Use it to protect yourself," he said, as she took it back.

"You know...I can't kill people," she said.

"I know, but try when the time is needed," ZhangWei said as she looked at him. "Now hurry and get to the safe area," he said, looking at Haoyu. Haoyu nodded his head. Haoyu and Xiaomei continued to the safe place as Chuhua and Baozhai caught up to them along with the Emperor and Bojing. Before they continued towards the safe area, they were surrounded in all directions, forcing them to be stuck.

"Miss, please stand behind me at all times," Haoyu said with his sword up ready to kill anyone who came charging his direction. Xiaomei quickly nodded her head and stood behind him along with Chuhua, Baozhai, and the Emperor. Both Bojing and Haoyu were prepared to strike. They swung their swords as the enemies started coming at them. Bojing slashed their necks while Haoyu stabbed their chests before kicking them to the ground. It didn't take long before Minister Yu appeared and started attacking with great force. Haoyu was head-on with Minister Yu. Haoyu's skills were slightly lower than Minister Yu's, so Minister Yu had the upper hand.

Both Haoyu and Minister Yu clashed their swords together. They both gritted their teeth as they used their strength to determine who had the upper hand over the other. Haoyu started to lose his grip, but he gritted his teeth tighter before pushing his strength harder as Minister Yu started to lose his strength. Minister Yu knew he had to act fast or he would lose, so he quickly tilted his sword before slightly turning his body with it to prevent Haoyu's sword from striking him. He then took the opportunity to redirect his attack. Haoyu was caught off guard but quickly regained composure. However, the other soldiers started attacking him, and because of that, Minister Yu quickly swung his sword at him. Before Haoyu could completely dodge it, his arm still got slashed, but he was able to block the remaining attack. However, Minister Yu didn't miss a beat and continued to strike Haoyu. He then received an opening and shallowly stabbed him in the stomach before kicking Haoyu so hard that he flew, causing Xiaomei to go with him. They both flew and slammed against the wall.

"Huang Daiyu!" Baozhai, Chuhua, and the Emperor shouted. Bojing immediately cut his way through and charged towards Minister Yu. Haoyu and Xiaomei both groaned in pain and tried to get up, but Haoyu struggled.

"H-Haoyu," Xiaomei said in concern. "Are you alright?" Xiaomei said in pain as she noticed he was unable to get up. He clutched his stomach and tried to get up again, but it was pointless.

"Daiyu, are you alright?" the Emperor asked her in great concern as they helped them up.

During this time, ZhangWei and LiJie were fighting with Zhou Haitao. They all immediately noticed what was happening on the other side. Zhou Haitao instantly smiled. He noticed there were hardly any protectors, only basic soldiers he could defeat easily. He then whistled before his men immediately surrounded ZhangWei and LiJie. Before Zhou Haitao charged toward them, a group of soldiers quickly surrounded him, but he didn't want to play with them, so he jumped past them. He then positioned his sword ready to strike.

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