Chapter 33

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Zhou Haitou followed the trail of blood until he reached the door. He broke open the door to find no one inside since she just happened to shut the window at the same time he broke open the door, so he didn't see her closing the window. He entered the room to look for her.

On the other hand, she quickly entered the farthest room through the window. She closed the window just in time again as he saw no one outside. He jumped out the window and slammed it shut in anger. When she heard that, she jumped in fright. Soon she started to hear each window being slammed open as he was getting closer and closer. She quickly opened the door and shut it, but this time he saw the door shut. He laughed and hurried after her. She heard his steps getting closer to her.

She didn't know how long she could run. She was getting tired. She noticed a dark area where the building was blocking the moonlight. She thought she could hide there so she could rest for a bit. She knew if she tried to run back to where they were. She probably won't make it since they were on the other side of the residence.

She continued to push forward and ran into the dark area. She couldn't see anything as she had to feel her way. She felt the wall and hid beside it.

Before she could think of a way to save herself, she heard his footsteps getting closer. "Just because it's dark. You think I can't find you," his voice lingered in her ears. "I will find you," he taunted, sending cold chills down her spine. She quickly covered her nose and mouth to not make a sound. She crouched down to help her stop trembling so much.

She then felt his presence passing her and heard him touching the wall to guide his way. "You can't hide forever," he taunted again. She felt that he was getting further away from her, so she quietly moved forward to escape. However, he chuckled, "There you are." He heard the tiny pebbles under her feet.

Her spot was given away, so she quickly got up and ran again. "Forget it. At least I could say I tried to make it to them," she thought, running in the direction where they were.

He was already on her tail. He was a few feets away from her before he grabbed her hair to stop her. She groaned in pain before she turned and stabbed him in the arm with the sharp porcelain. He cussed out before throwing her to the ground.

This time she couldn't get up. Her body was exhausted. It finally gave up on her. He stumbled towards her while holding onto the stab wound on his arm. He looked down at her as she couldn't do anything anymore. He then stepped on the wound on her stomach.

"I forgot. How's your wound," he said, stepping on it harder. She felt like she was being stabbed. She groaned in misery. "I wanted to kill by my hands, but now I am tired of wasting my time on you," he said, pulling out a dagger. Xiaomei closed her eyes in defeat and thought, "I-I guess I'll try to see if dying will take me home."

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