Chapter 50

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The next morning arrived, and Xiaomei was meeting with Chuhua in the garden.

"Han Chuhua, I'm sorry about yesterday. Things got out of hand," Xiaomei apologized.

"Huang Daiyu, there's no need to apologize. I see now. I should let go now," Chuhua said as her eyes were slightly red.

"Han Chuhua, you shouldn't give-... what I mean is you should see how he reacts first before deciding to give up," Xiaomei said, knowing fully well that they get each other in the end.

"Thanks for the encouragement, but I think I already know what he sees me as. I have known him since we were kids, so I know what he is feeling when I see it in his eyes. So as for me, I'm just that annoying childhood friend who constantly follows him everywhere and can't leave him alone," Chuhua forced a smile.

"He probably hasn't realized his feelings for you," Xiaomei said, knowing that was the case.
Chuhua sadly chuckles, "If that's the case. I will be waiting for a long time." Chuhua stared at the trees that were budding. "But I don't know if I want to wait for that day to come. Silently waiting for a long time is kind of lonely and it might not come," she said softly.

Xiaomei grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes. "It will. Trust me," Xiaomei said, comforting her. Chuhua looked at Xiaomei's guarantee eyes and genuinely smiled.
"I know it will. Sadly, it's something that I can't really help with as it's the process of Bojing coming to terms with his own feelings, not for me to force it out or he will deny it and might get scared away," Xiaomei thought. Xiaomei could only smile back at Chuhua and stare into her depressed eyes.

"There you two are. Zhou Baozhai was looking for you two," Bojing said, entering the garden and finding them. "What are you two doing?" he asked, walking closer to them.

Xiaomei saw how Chuhua was ready to run as her eyes got teary. "I-I'm not ready," Chuhua said. She wasn't ready to face him. She glanced at Bojing and felt a pang in her heart. She quickly looked away to prevent him from not seeing her teary eyes, but his eyes widened in shock.
"Chu-," Bojing tried to say.
"Huang Daiyu, I-I will see you later," Chuhua said quickly and ran off.

Bojing hadn't seen that tear-jerking, heartbreaking expression on Chuhua's face for a very long time ago when they were young. He still remembered that time when Chuhua tagged along with him to learn martial arts.

He was called in to talk to their teacher while Chuhua was still outside practicing. By the time he came out, she showed that expression on her face before breaking into tears. He asked what happened, and all she said was that some boys said some mean things to her. He tried to ask what they said, but she refused to tell him.
Sadly, he never knew that the boys had told Chuhua that she was an annoyance to Bojing and she should give up on him, or she would die alone. Then they started to make fun of her, how no one would like her because she was annoying and was not like a girl.

He immediately felt his back turn cold. His heart was feeling strong pain emitting within him as if his heart was stabbed.
"Chuhua," he unconsciously called out and tried to go after her. However, Xiaomei tried to stop him.
"Wait, General Bojing," Xiaomei tried to say as she thought it was best to leave Chuhua alone for a bit, especially after seeing that heartbreaking expression on Chuhua's face.

"C-can I talk to you later," Bojing said in a hurry and rushed after Chuhua as he was not even looking at Xiaomei. He unconsciously couldn't help himself but chase after Chuhua.

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