Chapter 55

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Her heart grew bitter and sadder, looking at his peaceful sleeping face. She couldn't get rid of the thought of him being all alone. She reached out and lightly stroked his cheek. It didn't take long before she softly chuckled to herself as she saw him slightly tighten his eyebrows together.

"How do you like being teased when you are sleeping," her voice had a soft ring to it. She couldn't help but wonder how this man entered her heart. She was always busy thinking about how to speed up the story or trying to stay away from the main couple, but he just had to come and disturb her. Without any warning, he suddenly appeared in her life and captured her heart. Just like a sly fox, he was. Always persisting her and teasing her, but always by her side.

She had a subtle smile on her lips, and her gaze became soft and heartfelt before saying, "Annoying fox, thank you for being by my side. Even though it was slightly annoying. It wasn't lonely... Thank you."
It didn't take long before she felt a weight on her chest, making her heart grow heavier, but then ZhangWei rolled over, disturbing her heavy thoughts.

She didn't realize how late it was. She was about to reach her hand over to wake ZhangWei up to tell him to leave her room, but then she stopped her hand. She soon was afraid that he would continue their conversation. She didn't know what to do. It was as if her brain was malfunctioning, and could not come up with any ideas to lie her way out anymore. So she immediately got off the bed and slept on the couch.

After the room grew quiet, he noticed no movement from her. He opened his eyes to see her back facing towards him. In his dark eyes, it was impossible to discern his emotions. He did not expect or imagine anything like this. He was astonished, as if his brain was struggling to comprehend it. At first, he thought she was sprouting some superstitious nonsense, but he could tell how serious she was when telling her dream. It was as if she was telling her deepest secret. He then knew. It must be true.

Soon everything started to make sense to him, like how she knew his name or the sect when he never told her before.
He...he was unsure of what to think anymore.

He wanted to gather his thoughts and refocus, but then Xiaomei turned over to face him as she was fast asleep. His heart immediately felt a great spark inside of him. He could see her eyelids were well-rested. Her lips had a cherry pink color and appeared to be soft to the touch. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, giving the impression that she was cozy warm. He watched her peacefully sleep, and at that moment, all he could think and feel was that he loved her, and that was the only thing that mattered.

He got up from the bed and carried her into the bed with him. She was lying on the bed while he was sitting beside her.
"It must have been hard on you. Thank you for sharing your burden with me. It's sad that I'm just a character from a book," he said, looking at her. He slightly brushed her eyelashes with his pointer finger as she wrinkled her forehead but resumed sleeping. "Even if I know we can't be together, I will always love you unconditionally in this so-called book," he whispered. "Maybe, I am an idiot for loving you," he chuckled to himself and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

In a dark room, a man handed a letter to another. "Send this letter to the Emperor immediately," Zhou Haitou spoke in a hushed tone. The man in black immediately disappeared. Zhou Haitou sat in the empty room, and an evil smile appeared on his face with his hand clenched in anger. "Just wait. You all will suffer," he said in a deep gravelly voice.

"Master, ZhangWei's men are on our trail again. I think it best we leave here," one of his men reported out of the blue. Zhou Haitou tightened his grip on the teacup before saying in a deadly voice, "ZhangWei again. Just you wait."

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