Chapter 3: Sibling Bonding

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

It has now been about 1 day ever since my visit to the Human Realm and visited Riad and her peerage. I was now inside the Phenex Manor's garden where me and Ravel sat down inside the Gazebo as I brush her hair.

Y/n:"Please tell Riser about the reason for this hair brushing?" I asked her as she smiles.

Ravel:"Oh nothing, just some brother and sister bonding." She answered.

Y/n:"*Sigh* Riser is glad that you wish to spend time with Riser, but don't you have anything important to do?" I asked her as she pouts.

Ravel:"Hmpth! You sound like you don't want to spend time with me." She pointed out while pouting.

Y/n:"Ofcourse not. Riser would be happy to spend time with you. Riser is jsut worried that Riser is wasting your time that you might use for somethings much more valuable." I said as she turns to me.

As soon as she turned around she goes up to me and hugs me tightly, catching me off-guard.

Ravel:"No! Onii-sama is much more important than any event!" She pointed out as I start caressing her hair gently.

Y/n:"Hahaha, Big bro Riser is glad you think of him that highly." I said with a genuine smile as she smiles back. "Now turn around, Riser has to finish your hair." I said as she let's go.

Ravel:"Hai! Onii-sama!" She said as she turns back around.

And then I continued brushing her hair. She seemed to enjoy my company even more than the old Riser and I do too. Anyway, after I brushed her hair, I then grabbed a grabbed and put the hair tie on my mouth as I start forminh her pigtails for her and then after a while, I was finally done.

Y/n:"What do you think Ravel? Did Riser do a good job?" I asked her as I give her a mirror.

As she see's her reflection in the mirror, she stays silent for a while.

As she see's her reflection in the mirror, she stays silent for a while

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(Her Reflection)

She then turned to me and hugged me again.

Ravel:"I love it! You did a great job, Onii-chan!" She said to me.

But she suddenly let's go of me as she look's down.

Ravel:"I-I'm sorry." She apologized making me confused.

Y/n:"What are you apologizing to Riser for Ravel?" I asked her.

Ravel:"I-I called you, Onii-chan..." She said looking down.

Ofcourse, this caught me off-guard. I guess Riser wanted to be called in a formal manner, even to his little sister. But after a while of processing, I started laughing which now caught Ravel off-guard and made her confused.

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