Introduction/Part 1

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Poe and Ranpo are friends - even best friends, maybe. They've been like that for years. But, for some reason Poe still tells people that they're rivals, which they clearly aren't. But regardless, Ranpo doesn't really seem to mind it. He enjoys going places with Poe to get snacks and candy, enjoys reading new things Poe was working on. He enjoyed Poe's company, and Poe enjoyed Ranpo's company as well. Poe can be clingy at times, but Ranpo doesn't mind that either. And whenever he'd read one of Poe's new works, Poe really had never used his ability on him since that day, unless it was agreed on or if he just wanted him to as a little challenge.


"That day" being the day Poe had challenged Ranpo to see if he could find out the mystery Poe had been
working on for 6 years straight. Poe's ability, Black Cat In The Rue Morgue, is the ability he wields able to transport readers into a novel, but it can only be the novel they're currently reading. And the reader must solve the mystery in order for them to leave the novel they are in. What fueled this urge to stage revenge was the Battle of Wits he and Ranpo were in, 6 years ago. Ranpo had won against Poe, and ever since then, Poe was wallowing in his own defeat and despair, feeling like he was worthless.

Whilst Ranpo and Yosano were struggling to unravel who the murderer was in his novel, Poe was laughing maniacally in the heat of the moment. Though Ranpo did eventually find out who the murderer was - it was him - he and Yosano returned from the book after the mystery was solved.

Poe was shocked, shocked that Ranpo had solved the mystery, regardless of how long it may have taken him to. Karl, Poe's raccoon and friend, jumped back in surprise once the book let Ranpo and Yosano out. Poe, in equal surprise, asked Ranpo "H-How did you figure it out?! There's no way! Everything was perfect!" to which Ranpo replied with "It was really quite simple," and proceeded to explain the flaws in it. Poe then, again, felt defeated, but learned to accept it. Ranpo really was the best detective in the world.


But, unconditionally, Poe and Ranpo are still friends. Very good friends. And they both adore each other, especially Poe adoring Ranpo's childish personality. He thinks of it as the sunshine to every sunny day.

"Poooeeeeeeee!" Ranpo whined, sitting on the floor with Karl while Poe was sitting at his desk. Poe sighed. "What ever do you need, Ranpo-kun?" Poe asked, calmly. He was preparing for the long day of shopping ahead of him. He didn't see it as completely a problem though, he loves Ranpo - as a friend, of course - right? "I want canddyyyy, do you have any?" Ranpo said, petting Karl gently. "...No, Ranpo, we do not." Poe rubbed his temples.

"WHY NOT?!" Ranpo sat Karl down somewhere soft and stood in front of Poe, fake tears welling up in his eyes as an attempt to guilt trip him, and crossing his arms. "It's not going to work this time," Poe just looked at him, looking mostly unfazed. Ranpo realized his seemingly unfazed expression and started fake crying. "You're a meanie! You almost never let me buy candies! You're too busy with Karl or your work!" Ranpo screamed. Poe knew this was all just guilt tripping though, so he was still unfazed. Poe just sighed and got up. "You want to go to the store, correct? We go to the store almost every week. How could you already be out of candy..."

"Yes, I do want to go to the store! Finally, you understand!" Ranpo dried his tears as if it didn't happen, and hugged Poe. Poe blushed slightly and hugged him back. Why was he blushing? "Okay, okay. Now let go, we have to get ready obviously." Poe basically pried him off of him, and went to his room while Ranpo just put a hoodie over himself because he was cold.

Once they were ready, Ranpo startled Poe a bit by uncovering his eye and just staring at it. "W-What are you doing-?!" Poe yelped. "Calm down, I'm just looking at your eye. I really like your eyes... Why do you always hide them?" Ranpo stated. "..." Poe said nothing. "Can we just go...?" Poe brushed it off as he and Ranpo went to the car, putting Karl in the car as well even though the store doesn't allow animals.

Sometimes Ranpo hated when Poe would do this - be insecure about his eyes, one of the most beautiful things about him. For some reason Poe disliked them, and Ranpo never knew why. He didn't even like talking about them either. But if Poe didn't want to speak on it, Ranpo knew not to pry.

Once they got out of the car and walked inside the store, Ranpo's face lit up as he saw a lot of candy and pocky. "POE, POE, LOOK!! THEY HAVE POCKY!" He exclaimed, accidentally scaring Poe from the sudden loud noise. "WH- Y-Yes, I see that-" Poe snapped back to reality. "Hey! Were you even listening to me?" Ranpo noticed how much he was spaced out. "Are you okay?"

"What- Oh- Yes, I'm okay. Buy anything you want, it's not like I can stop you anyways." Poe said to him, still processing everything. He forgot what he was thinking about, but his mind gets fuzzy whenever he's doing these joyful activities with Ranpo. It does make him feel better, but there's just another aura he can't comprehend. It's not a bad aura, though.

Ranpo had noticed he was acting weird, surely. It happens almost all the time. But he doesn't bring it up, because he already has a little hunch. He proceeded to come back to Poe with a little piece of candy in front of him and smiled at him. "...I'm not really a big fan of candy. But, thank you anyway." Poe stated before Ranpo shoved the piece in his mouth anyways, Poe being taken back by it a bit. Ranpo didn't say anything. "Thank you, Ranpo." Poe ate it, regardless. He had no reason to refuse.

It had been an hour in the same store, and Poe was already worn out. "Ranpo... is there anywhere else you want to go?" Poe asked, tired. "Nope! I'm good!" Ranpo said. "Here we go agai- Wait, you're done?" Poe replied. "Yeah! We can go back now, I'm tired." Ranpo said, yawning but still cheerful.

When they got back and got out of the car, Ranpo insisted on Poe carrying him bridal style with Karl on Poe's head. Once they got inside, Poe gently sat down Ranpo on a couch and sat down next to him, tired as well. He sat Karl on his desk. "...That was fun, Ranpo. And I'm glad you had a good time, too." Poe said. Poe jumped, caught off guard when Ranpo suddenly laid back with his head on his lap, falling asleep. He glanced down at Ranpo, blushing. But he then smiled softly and stroked his hair gently. Karl hopped up beside them and slept, too.

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