Part 18

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Ranpo was back at the agency, even though all he really did was sit there and occasionally speak his mind. He thoroughly enjoyed being constantly showered with appreciation, though. Every once in awhile, Atsushi would look over at him sitting in his chair, seemingly completely disinterested in the situation and ask him why he's barely doing anything.

"You know very well why I don't have to do anything, Atsushi. Unless need be." He explained. "But you guys wanted me here anyways, so here I am."

Atsushi just sighed and let it go. What was he going to do anyways? If Fukuzawa is fine with it, then who cares?

Ranpo was just sitting there, thinking about Poe. He missed him a lot. He planned to give him a really tight hug as soon as he walked in the door.

That's when his thoughts were interrupted, because he was requested to solve something for them. "Mm?" Ranpo turned his head to Dazai, who was standing in front of him. "We need your help on this case. It of course won't take long."

"Hmmm, alright! If you're truly that desperate, I shall lend a hand. Must we go to the crime scene or will you just state all of the information you have so far?" He got up, a large grin forming on his face.


They had to go to the scene, and once they got there Ranpo was humming to himself, knowing that this will be extremely simple.

Once Ranpo precisely pointed out everything and shocked a few people, they pretty much knew everything about the case and were okay to continue with it.


After everything about that case was done, or at least them needing him for it was done, Ranpo sighed and impatiently waited for the chance he'd get to go home.

Several of the members realized how unusually bored he seemed, some asking him about it. I mean, most of them knew him and Poe are dating. It's no secret. But some of them didn't know, and it's not like it was required for him to explain.


After a while, Ranpo finally asked if he could leave. Surprisingly, they without hesitation agreed to let him leave. But then again, it wasn't that surprising.

But of course, Yosano had to help him get to Poe's place because he gets lost way too easily and way too often. He just never seems to remember the way there.

"Thanks, Yosano!" Ranpo waved at her, her waving back. Once he walked in the door, as planned, he immediately hugged Poe as soon as they saw each other. "I missed you too, Ranpo- Now can you loosen the hug a bit?" Poe squeaked, trying to pry him off of him. "I just missed you a lottt!" Ranpo loosened the extremely tight hug, but didn't let go. "Well I can't hug you back if you're squeezing the life out of me." Poe replied, finally hugging him back.

"I have... an idea!" Ranpo let go and wandered around, trying to find something. "What is it?" Poe followed him curiously, Karl also curious. "Ah, here it is!" Ranpo revealed... drawing supplies? "When did you get this?" Poe was surprised, but kind of enjoying the random idea.

"Oh, I got it awhile ago. But, ta-daaa! We're going to be drawing today!" Ranpo said, posing in a confident way. "What are you, an art teacher?" Poe teased him. "Wha- No! Meanie!" He frowned.

"Well, are we going to draw or not?" Ranpo said, impatiently. "I prefer colored pencils over crayons." Poe stated bluntly. "Too bad! Sit down!" Ranpo took out blank paper and the crayons.

While they were drawing, Ranpo was talking to himself meanwhile Poe was completely quiet. Poe got done first. "I'm done." He said. "Oh, what did you draw?" Ranpo asked, excitedly.

"A raven," Poe showed him the picture of a detailed raven. "It's pretty! But why a raven?" Ranpo asked, quite interested. "I don't know, it just came to my mind and I drew it." Poe shrugged. "What are you drawing?" He leaned towards Ranpo's side of the table.

"I'm drawing a box of pocky! It really says a lot about me, don't you think? It's also delicious, so I drew it!" He responded. "Ah... okay." Poe said, leaning back. "Is there any meaning for the raven, or do you just like ravens?"

"..No, not really. Like I said, it just came to my mind." He paused, and decided to draw something else on another sheet of paper. Ranpo watching him, eagerly.

"But isn't your ring tone a raven's caw? You must have some fascination."

"I guess you could call it a fascination." He looked up at him, then back down at his paper trying to think of what to draw. "Maybe you should draw Karl!" Ranpo said, as if he was reading his mind. "Okay, I will."

It seemed that Ranpo still wasn't done his picture, from the looks of that he seemed more artistic or just was making sure to add every single detail. But Poe couldn't really judge him about that, so he said nothing. It's his picture anyways.

Eventually Ranpo's picture was done, and Poe's picture was also done. So they both exchanged the pictures and looked at them.

"Awww, Karl is so adorable! You did a great job, Poe!"

"I like your pocky. It's nice."

"You should give your picture to Karl, it's only logical." Ranpo gave it back to him, Poe giving Ranpo's picture back to him. "See, crayons aren't that bad are they?" Ranpo grinned, acting as if Poe said they were bad. "No, they aren't that bad. But I still do prefer colored pencils." Poe said, Karl jumping up on his head and making a purring noise.

"Fair enough." Ranpo nodded.

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