Part 16

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The next day, Yosano was the one to wake up first surprisingly. She had expected at least Poe to be the one awake first, considering he's... Poe.

Ranpo was laying on the floor? all stretched out, snoring. He was hugging Karl, who seemed to be desperately trying to get out of his deadly grasp. Poe was asleep just beside him, but he wasn't on the floor. He was also snoring; although Ranpo was far more loud.

After Yosano processed the situation, she got up and went over to the kitchen and got some cereal. She didn't like the idea of sharing it, but she probably should wake them up and offer some. Once she got the cereal, which obviously didn't take that long, she poked Ranpo first, half expecting him to respond with a jump.

"What... Oh hey, good morning!" He looked up at Yosano, who was kind of dumbfounded. Does he perhaps have even more heightened senses when he's literally snoring? Not that she was planning anything bad, but it was just a thought. "Poe is still asleep, I see." Ranpo whispered, analyzing Poe, who seemed to have his legs almost up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them still snoring.

"Well, leave him alone and let him sleep. You know you'll scare him if you wake him up so suddenly." Yosano whispered back to him, handing him a bowl of cereal. "Oooh, thanks!" He pretty much snatched it, eating it while walking off. Yosano just sat down near Poe quietly, trying not to wake him up by the slightest thing.

Once Ranpo came back after probably pacing around lost in his thoughts, Yosano motioned for him to sit down. "I have to leave soon, but the reason why I wanted you to sit down is because it's kind of difficult to have a conversation from across the room when there's someone asleep who is somewhat a light sleeper." She explained. Ranpo just nodded, still eating his bowl of cereal. "It's not that important, it's just when Poe wakes up, if he asks where I am, notify him that I already left. I have to go back." She continued, then got up about to walk out the door with her stuff.

"No goodbye?" Ranpo pouted, crossing his arms clearly expecting one. "Dear me, I apologize for not saying goodbye. Bye, Ranpo!" She turned back, and then walked out the door with her things. Ranpo grinned in triumph, then looked at Poe who was still asleep somehow.

I have no one to speak to now but Karl... Ranpo grumbled. He decided to wake up Poe, who in return sharply hit him with a pillow. "Ow, Poe!" He whined. Poe opened his eyes, blinking slowly. "Oh... Sorry Ranpo..." He registered what he just did. "You didn't have to do that!" Ranpo said, dramatically.

"Good morning." He got up, ignoring Ranpo's dramatic nature. "Where did Yosano go off to?" He looked around, curious. "She told me to notify you she already left."

"Okay. Where's Karl, though?"

"He's sitting on the couch, didn't you see him?" He replied; barely even paying attention to Poe's tones of voice, a cherry flavored sucker in his mouth. "No, I didn't see him because I just woke up and my vision is still slightly blurry. And at least have something in your replies, anything but deadpan." Poe scoffed.

"Ooh, someone's bold this morning." Ranpo commented, Poe frowning. "Well someone DID abruptly end my decent sleep."

"Hey, I was lonely!" Ranpo sat up, taking the sucker out of his mouth to speak more clearly. "Dear God, you give me a headache."

"But you love me."

"Of course I do." Poe kissed Ranpo on the cheek and pat his head gently.

Ranpo made a fake mad face and put the sucker back in his mouth, shooing Poe away. "Stop denying the pats," Poe said and pat his head again. "Nooooo!" Ranpo lightly pushed him away.

"Okay, well I have to work on my writing a bit." Poe laughed and went over to his desk. Ranpo proceeded to follow him, hovering over his shoulder the whole time. Occasionally, he'd ask what the plot is, what he's writing about and how he came up with the idea or ideas.


After a long, long time of him (attempting to) writing and Ranpo asking questions every 1 to 2 minutes, he decided that not only he, but Ranpo needed fresh air too. Otherwise Ranpo would eventually get slapped.

Poe stood up, his hands on the desk. "Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked. "The store?!" Ranpo gasped. "Yes, the store. You do need more candy, right?" Poe went over to his stash, looking at it. "Yeah I need more!"

"Okay then, get ready. We both need fresh air, and you've been on my last nerve." He had to admit, he was annoying sometimes. But despite that, he did enjoy his company.

Poe and Ranpo got ready to go, and Ranpo was extremely hyped about it as usual. "I'm gonna get so much candy!" His head was in the clouds.


Once they were in the store, Ranpo was running around and being quite enthusiastic. Him and Poe were playing with the cameras once again, and Poe had to apologize to some people because of Ranpo's careless behavior. "Ranpo, you're causing a scene again!" Poe said nervously. "I don't particularly enjoy this much attention..."

"Sorry, I'm just having fun!" He turned to him and grinned.

Poe was fidgeting a little bit, and he just wanted to get out of there. Plus, Ranpo has already picked out far too much things than he had expected him to. "Ranpo, let's go." He gently tugged on his wrist, honestly expecting him to refuse as usual. "Okay!" Ranpo walked with him to the register.

Once Poe paid for the insane amount of candy and other sweets, they went on their way back home.


They also decided to play board games the rest of the day too.

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