Part 3

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Ranpo was away again, and Poe was sitting at his desk working on something again, drinking coffee. Poe had started to miss Ranpo from time to time, but he knew he'd be back later. He always is, no doubt. Karl has been sitting on Poe's shoulder, as usual. "Karl... Do you think Ranpo misses me too?" Poe suddenly asked him, to which Karl nudged him in response.

"Yeah... Of course he misses me too, right? I wonder what the Armed Detective Agency is doing today. Ah... Probably working on that case still, but I thought Ranpo solved it?" Poe starts talking to himself.

Poe took a sip of his coffee before giving Karl a handful of berries he keeps near him and petting him, smiling. "I can't wait for Ranpo to come back, though I don't feel I should tell him I like him yet..." He hesitated.

"I don't think it's time for that, but I should make the first move, right? I'm pretty sure he already knows, it must be easy for him to tell, but I'm far too embarrassed to admit it yet."

He suddenly stared off into space. "What if he forgets the way here somehow-"

Karl lightly hit him with his paw.

"Agh- Sorry Karl. I'm overthinking again... It's a habit."

"Should I go to a Café while Ranpo's gone to have some peace of mind until he gets back?" Poe looked at Karl, who just looked back at him.


Some time later, Poe makes it to the Café without Karl, unfortunately. He doesn't quite understand why most places don't allow raccoons, let alone animals in general.

While he's eating, his phone starts ringing and almost scares him. He frantically answers it and it's Ranpo! Poe expected Ranpo to be gone longer, not that it's a bad thing he called him but he barely got to take his mind off him.
"Hi Poeee! It's me! You probably didn't expect me to call this early, did you, book boy?"
"Book Boy?" Poe said, Ranpo realizing the tone of his voice.
"Calm downn, I'm only kidding. But you didn't expect it, correct?"
"...No, I didn't expect it this early. Are you coming back?" Poe replied.
"Yeah, I am. Just give me a bit- I have to remember the way there. See you soon, Poe!"
"Bye, Ranpo." Poe said and ended the call, smiling. But then he had realized he has to hurry up and meet Ranpo at wherever he got lost and go back home with him, so he finished eating and went back to the car.

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