ranpoe headcanon(s) 3?

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Whenever Ranpo is gone, or just not with Poe in general, he often sends passive aggressive things (whether it be texts, images, videos, etc.) just to get a shaken reaction out of him. Other than that, there's literally no reason behind it

Poe probably has a violin music playlist

Ranpo def listens to hyperpop

Ranpo is good at drawing but whenever he tries to draw something for Poe he thinks it's not good enough and either fails or gives up on it. (Poe eventually finding them as crumpled up paper, but still enjoys looking at them even if they aren't finished; he tries not to let Ranpo know he saw them, but he already suspects it)

Ranpo is usually the one to passive aggressively threat the other, but sometimes Poe passive aggressively threatens Ranpo with Karl in hopes of getting a reaction out of him. He tries.

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