Part 10

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A/N: I'm listening to Void by The Neighbourhood rn, it's such a good song-


"Good morning," Poe said hugging Ranpo. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I slept better than I did yesterday." He blinked and went to make toast. "For once you're not eating candy?" Poe poked him. "Don't start."

"Well, you seem grumpy. Are you sure you slept better?" Poe kept poking him.

"Just because I can poke you doesn't mean you can poke me! And yes. I'm sure I slept better, it's just early in the morning, Poe." Ranpo flopped on the couch once he got his toast.

"It's only 6 AM. It's not that bad, besides shouldn't you be used to it?" He just looked at him. "Well yeahhh but today I guess I'm not!" Ranpo said, mouth full of toast. "Okay, but would you be in the mood to go to the park later today maybe..?" Poe asked, fidgeting. "Of course, I'm not gonna push spending time with you away! Plus, the park is fun." Ranpo replied.

"Okay, then it's settled. Just don't stay on the swings the whole time..." Poe sighed. "No promises! The swings are fun. But can we get ice cream on the way there?" His face lit up.

"Sure, why not?" Poe was sitting at his desk, drinking coffee. "There you go again, about to work hours on your draft without breaks!" Ranpo complained. "I'll try not to, but I might as well work on it while we have time before we go." Poe rested his chin on his hand. "Poe, that's way later! Remember? So make sure to take breaks. At least watch TV during the breaks or something!" Ranpo scoffed.

"Okay, I'll watch TV with you on and off. But you have to let me work on it a little bit."



It wasn't long until Poe himself decided to take a break, and watched TV with Ranpo.

"This is what people call horror? This sucks." Ranpo slouched.

"I don't like the raven that's in it, the rest is fine. The raven makes me uncomfortable. Why are there even ravens in it anyways?" Poe frowned.

"What's wrong with it? It's just a bird." Ranpo looked at him. "Would you prefer watching comedy instead?"

"Yeah, let's just watch comedy." He fidgeted.


"Stop stealing my popcorn! You should have made some for yourself!" Poe took it back from him as Ranpo was too busy laughing. "Hey! You can at least share!" He noticed him take the bowl of popcorn back.

"Well, you stole it, that's not sharing." Poe said in a sassy tone. "So what! We're together, it's okay to steal popcorn!" Ranpo flicked him, then just laid his head on his shoulder.

"Fine, you can steal the popcorn. Just don't eat all of it!" That was all Poe had said before Ranpo proceeded to snatch it back and eat it.


Poe and Ranpo were sitting at a bench at the park, while Ranpo was eating ice cream.

"Ahhh, the breeze feels nice." Ranpo leaned back with an arm out. "Don't fall off of the bench."

"I won't! There have been times where you're clumsy too." Ranpo pointed at him. "Yes, you're correct. But anyway - I do agree, the breeze does feel good." Poe stood up, putting his hands on his hips.

"Really? The pose?" Ranpo said, eating the ice cream cone. "Ugh- YES THE POSE!" Poe glared at him, offended. "I'm just teasing! You look good doing it." Ranpo reassured him. "Well, thank you." Poe sat back down.

"I want to go on the swings!" Ranpo crossed his arms. "You're 26."

"SO?! I can still do fun stuff! Who said I couldn't?" He tried convincing Poe to let him. "Okay, but don't fall off of the swings."

"I WON'T! But can you push me?"

"Fine, I'll push you. Just don't expect me to be pushing you too high, I don't want you getting hurt because you wanted to go crazy on the swings."

"Deal!" Ranpo shook his hand and ran over to the swings.

Poe smiled.


Another little A/N: Help as a Ranpo kinnie I kind of put really loving the park and swings onto him- But he'd like it too right?-

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