Chapter 1

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It was like 4 am in the morning. The sun was not even peaking through the skyline and not a single bird was awake.  

Yet here I was, wide awake and staring at the Grand Duke's feet, noticing he was barefoot, not even wearing slippers despite just in his nightrobe. Bell gave me a heads up via the winds but I was still surprised the head of our family wanted to see me so early in the morning. 

Not one of the people who share my bloodline step a single foot in the west wing. Besides, most of them live in the east and north wing and have their offices in the main building. 

"Good morning honorable Grand Duke, the Guardian of the Empire and the right hand of the Emperor himself." I did my best curtsy in my nightgown, but seeing how I never had a proper etiquette class I just pray my grandfa-I mean-Grand Duke doesn't scold me for my rough manners. 

He was silent, and no matter how much I wanted to look at him I continued to stare down at his feet. I could just feel his eyes burning holes on the top of my head. 

After what felt like hours, he finally said something, something that did make me look up at him. His tired pale yellow eyes looking at me with some sort of deep sadness. 

"How old are you?" 

I tripped over my words, not sure what to say to him seeing how I don't really know my age myself. I looked to Bell for support, and the Grand Duke seemed to notice this, breaking his gaze to look over to his loyal head butler. 

"She'll be 10 years old this year." 

10 already? Time flies by. 

"10?" The Grand Duke repeated, surprised by the number, looking back at me with just shock and what seemed like regret. "You look so small for 9." 

"I'm still growing, Grand Duke," I answered, standing up straighter now a little self conscious on my appearance. Do other 9 year old's not look like me? 

His face got a bit stony when I called him Grand Duke, but I guess he's weirded out how stoic my behavior was. I've been told I act really mature for my age. 

"How are you," the Grand Duke crouched down to meet my eye level, studying my face and looking deep into my eyes. I could see the wrinkles in his face now, especially by his eyes. His bushy but carved white beard covering most of the age he had experienced. "Have you been eating well?" 

"Y-yes," I briefly look to Bell who also seemed as bewildered as I am. This is the first time the Grand Duke has even looked at me, let alone speak to me. "The servants take good care of me." 

"How about your lessons, what have you been studying?" 

"Advanced mana control and Terrain's mathematics," noticing Bell signaling for me to stop talking, and judging by the surprised expression of the Grand Duke I guess I wasn't supposed to reveal that. 

"That's what I learned when I was 18," he commented, looking both impressed and proud, but once again there was something deep in his eyes. It was like he was just regretting his whole life. 

When he was 18? But this is kids stuff.

"Bell is a very good tutor," I beamed, smiling at Bell who smiled back at me, easing my nerves partially. 

"Bell?" The Grand Duke questioned, "I thought the Scholar Bathers was teaching you all." 

"Lord Gerris felt it more appropriate my lady receives private lessons," Bell chimed in, my stomach twisting at the mention of my father. The  Grand Duke is much more intimidating than my father, but seeing the Grand Duke now on his knees and smiling at me I felt my fear melt away partially. "So I took it upon myself to teach my lady." 

"And he's been a great teacher!" I tried to add, "Everything I know, he taught me!" 

"You flatter me my lady," Bell bowed partially to me, "But she is an amazing student. Exceeding both mine and Sir Howell's expectations." 

"Howell?" The Grand Duke looked between us, getting to his feet with a more serious expression. 

"He's one of the knights of the 4th Unit, one of the brightest knights according to Sir Jessor," Bell clarified, "he also has a water affinity and has been helping Lady Laraine control her powers." 

This seemed like a lot of information for the Grand Duke to process, and after a while the fact that I am awake at this ungodly hour had caught up to me and I let out a rather dramatic yawn. 

"I've been keeping you up for too long," the Grand Duke commented, finally taking in my appearance of slippers, shawl, and nightgown. "Go and rest, we shall speak more tomorrow." 


I had plans to sneak out into the town and visit the festival stands before they pack up and leave next week. 

Pasting a smile on my face I bow to him and say my proper goodbyes, rushing back to my bed and hiding under my covers just dreading what will happen tomorrow. 

"Are you okay?" 

My ears tickled at the sound of a familiar voice, making me peak from the covers to a celestial-like being of a white wolf sitting just in front of the doors to my balcony. 

"Hello Tallow," I get out of bed to hug the fluffy creature, feeling the warm fur tickle my face. I didn't even realize I didn't take off my slippers or my shawl when crawling back into bed. 

"Hello my dear," he spoke, though his mouth didn't move, it was like he was speaking through the wind. Like Bell. 

Though Tallow is a spirit of water, and thus I can hear him. 

"Why are you here?" I question as spirits tend to only appear in a time of need or summoned through a very rigorous ritual or spell.  

"My dearest Laraine, do you remember how spirits are timeless beings?" 

"Yes?" I tilted my head, confused why he brought up common knowledge. 

"There has been a skip in time," he paused, "well more like a jump backwards." 

"What do you mean?" 

"It appears the timeline has been reset though I'm not sure why, the order has been disrupted and I can no longer see the stream of time." He looked worried, or as worried as a wolf can be. "I want you to be careful Lara," he used my nickname tenderly, booping his cold and wet nose on the center of my forehead, "There appears to be a few who remember the past and will probably try to change it though I do not who." 

I nod, trying to process all this information. 

Time magic is strictly forbidden and is enforced by spirits, but a spell like this would take a lot of sacrifice and a great amount of power.

"Is everything still the same?" I asked, my stomach dropping at the thought of the future, my future. 

"Yes," he responded, slight pity in his tone, "You're destiny is still set." 

I nod, a bit solemnly. Looking to the moon, it was so bright and round, a few stars twinkled beside it. 

But it was quickly all covered up with clouds. 

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