Chapter 41

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Two days went by in a flash and I was now staring at myself in disbelief in the changing room they gave me in the castle. 

A whole room to myself, they even sent maids and makeup artists to make me pristine. In an effort to keep things civil among my fellow adventurers and the various nobles that were invited by the royal family, I chose to wear a mask over my scars. I already had long white gloves that covered the ones on my arm. 

This event was to celebrate the accomplishments of my friends, not for nobles to gossip about my appearance, and knowing nobles it will be a point of contention. 

"Are you ready?" I heard Flontina's voice on the other side of the door as she knocked. 

"Yes! Come in!" I called out, still staring in awe at the woman I was looking at in the mirror. 

"Oh you're beautiful!" She squealed from the doorway. 

I couldn't help but nod. I chose a deep, wine-red, gown that was decorated in glittering beading and elaborate embroidery as well as black lace. It had a sweetheart neckline, showing off my pale collarbones that were lightly decorated in tiered gold necklace that had several rubies that resembled tear drops. 

My hair was also put up with elaborate curls and flattering strands that framed my face and made me look quite delicate despite what I was capable of. With various hair pins and clips also containing gold and rubies that even matched my red heeled dance shoes that had painted gold designs. Though you couldn't even see my feet from my ball gown. 

My mask was a half-mask, only covering my scars. Also made in a similar fashion and color to my wine-red dress and black lacing. Despite the mask, both of my eyes were shaded with dark brown shadows and glitter, emphasizing their already cat-like shape. Even my lips were painted red.

Overall I looked like a picturesque woman of nobility. And the thought of that made me clutch my family's ring that was tucked away in my gown's pocket. 

"You look beautiful as well," I complemented Flontina who was not in a nearly as elaborate gown as me, just a nice light green dress that complimented her overall aesthetic. When I asked why she chose such a simple look, she said she didn't want to compete with a beauty like me. 

"Thank you dear," Flontina beamed, approaching me with such a soft gaze, "I am so proud of you and it was an honor to see you grow into the woman you are today." 

Not wanting to ruin my makeup, I held back my emotions, just silently nodding at her. If I said anything back I think the water works would start. 

"Now come on, everyone is waiting in the parlor so we can all walk in together," Flontina began to lead me hand in hand, supporting me slightly as I concentrated on not falling on my face. My etiquette lessons were nearly a lifetime ago, so I was a tad rusty. 

Soon we regrouped with everyone, both of the Winvestials' parties. 

I don't know why but my gaze drifted to Harken who was staring agape at me, his mouth ajar and his eyes unblinking. 

Unsure in my moves, and separating from Flontina to approach him, I gave him a gentle curtesy, giving him a playful smile which seemed to snap him out of his trance. 

"How to I look?" I asked awkwardly, doing a quicky spin to show off the flow of this rather heavy gown. 

"I'm at a loss for words," Harken answered honestly, "I-, you-, your dress... You look stunning." 

"Thank you," I shyly responded about to say something else if it wasn't for a tap on my shoulder. 

"You look absolutely beautiful Lara," Parter exclaimed. 

"Thank you," I repeated to the older Winvestial, "You look good too." 

"I know," he chuckled, excusing himself as Folkner and Yolanna walked in. I watched as he said something to Folkner and smacked him hard on the back. 

Laughing at the the scene I almost didn't catch Harken's arm as he held it out for me to take. 

"Apparently it's a thing for a woman to be escorted by a man into a ball," Harken sheepishly explained, "May I?" 

"You may," I giggled, grabbing his bicep and noticing how firm it was. Clearing my throat, I let him lead me around the halls to the entrance of the grand ballroom that was opened to us. My stomach dropped at the shear amount of people who suddenly turned their attention to us when, to my horror, someone shouted our names. 

"Lara Fort and Harken Winvestial!" 

I almost forgot about the fake name I made, and in retrospect I cringed at what my 10-year-old self thought was a good fake name. 

"Deep breaths," Harken comforted, walking us into the crowds giving polite smiles to everyone, "They are here to celebrate you." 

"Us," I corrected, "Celebrate our team." 

"Yeah," he agreed. 

I felt like I blacked out as we were swarmed on all sides by nobles and adventurers. Luckily for us the royal family was not here yet, but I was expected to greet them as soon as they arrived. So when they finally did, I regained consciousness. 

Like second nature, I did the proper bow a lady of high noble status was supposed to do in front of royalty, which seemed to surprise Folkner and Yolanna who did their best to replicate my actions as we stood just below the staircase that led to the thrones.

"Rise heroes of Val'Soran," the king spoke, his voice as deep and righteous as you would think, "I would like to thank you all on behalf of myself, my family, and my people for saving us from that monster. It's head now decorates our hall as a reminder as the beasts that lurk and the heroes who come to the rescue. Now please, eat, drink, dance, and celebrate! There are no words that could express how much you all have done for us!" 

With that we scattered, all of enjoying levels of joyful amenities and once again I was overwhelmed by my new adoring fans and I lost Harken, Yolanna, Fokner, and everyone else in the crowds. 

So I fled to the food tables, taking a glass of wine and sipping it to recollect myself. 

"It is you." 

I heard a voice speak behind me, and I didn't recognize the owner of the voice but something deep down told me I knew them. 

So I turned to face them. 

It was a man. 

With deep red - borderline black- hair and red eyes to match. A fire attribute, though for some reason I couldn't feel any fire spirits embedded in him like I do other fire users.

He was tall, dressed in an all black suit, with some sort of crest on an amulet I did not recognize. 

"Excuse me?" I politely questioned, "Do I know you?" 

"No," he smiled, though there was sadness in his eyes, "But we have a mutual friend." 

"Oh?" I tilted my head, unsure where this was going, "Who?" 


A/N: Hi guys! Finals season is coming up so I just wanted you guys to know I will be unavailable for pretty much the rest of the month (studying, exams, holiday plans, etc.). I'm sorry but please check out some of my other works in the meantime! 

Thank you and happy holidays! 

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