Chapter 14

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"You were right!" I shouted over the house hooves, holding onto the horse's mane as we continued to ride north. 

"About what?" Harken asked, a lot quieter than me since he could talk right into my ear. 

It was easier for Harken and I to ride together. We were both small enough to share a horse and combine our supplies to not burden the animal while everyone else rode separately. 

"It is getting colder," I shudder, suddenly feeling more warmth from behind me, "Oh, thanks." 

"Don't worry about it," he smiled, or at least I think he did since I couldn't see his face, "I heard water-users are more sensitive to the cold." 

"It's true," I laughed, "But I'm not going to let that stop me." 

He laughed too, and I almost thought he hugged me from behind but the terrain got a bit rougher so that must have been it. 

"So uh," he began probably wanting to talk about what happened to my face. Everyone was completely shocked by the sudden change in my appearance from almost a week ago, but I tried my best to gloss over it to get this adventure going.

Harken seemed to be the most surprised, almost angry at my appearance. It wasn't that big of a deal. I doubt I was going to get married when I get older. 

"It's just a small burn," I began to talk about it first, not let this topic just settle between us, "I lifted the curse off a fire user and they rejected the enchantment at first but it worked in the end." 

I thought he was going to be silent in response, but instead he just it, "It was your mother, right?"

How would he know that? 

"Sorry?" I asked for him to clarify, but it seems like he didn't hear me. Maybe this was to my advantage, I didn't want to talk about my family, but I do want to know how he knows so much about me when I'm trying to make sure no one knows who I am. 

He was getting warmer again, probably because it was definitely getting colder, and it was nice, comforting in a way. 

Probably sensing that I was done talking, we continued to head to our destination. We were going straight to the north branch of the guild where they had warm food and beds for us waiting. Tomorrow the real adventure begins. 

Flontina suddenly rode up next to us, her staff prominently strapped her her back. 

"Hey Lara," Flontina looked between us, looking knowingly at Harken before focusing on me, "It's nice having another girl around with us. It used to just be me, Jellah, and the Winvestials." 

"Jellah?" I questioned, seeing how he wasn't on the list and replaced with Pleasel. 

Harken tensed at the name, and it got a bit too hot for my liking, but he seemed to calm down quickly. 

"Voted off," Flontina explained, not really going into detail, "Good thing too, he was starting to get on my nerves. Luckily Pleasal joined as soon as we officially kicked Jellah to the curb." 

"That's good," I replied, unsure what else I was to say about it. I guess it was just coincidence that Pleasal had joined the group, but his association with my family is still something to be suspicious of. 

"And now you're here kid," Flontina pulled something from her saddle bag, Harken slowed down our horse so she could hand it to me. It was a candy of sorts wrapped in parchment paper, "Here, consider it a welcoming gift." 

It was unladylike to consume sugary food outside of tea time or desert time, but seeing how I'm not supposed to be a noble lady right now, I don't see the harm of taking it. It's also unladylike to refuse a gift. 

"Thank you," I take it, opening it and popping it right in my mouth. The sugary flavor immediately spreading throughout my mouth. I've never had anything like it. It was sweet, slightly fruity, and oh so good. 

"You look like you've never had candy before," Flontina commented, and noticing how stiff I got she just went ahead and pulled out a small pouch of the satchel, "Here, I have a whole bunch at home so just take it. Plus I'm getting to old to be eating all this candy." 

"Thank you," I take it, feeling the hard candy rattle in there. Sure Rebecca has given me sweets and treats here and there when I was younger, but there was something different about these candies. They were sugar-ier, sweeter, and not forbidden. 

Rebecca was just my maid, and not supposed to indulge me. 

"We're almost there," Flontina said after stretching, "Probably another hour before we make it to the guild."

"Ok," I shift in my seat, already a bit sore from riding a horse for this long. 

"If you get sore you can shift you legs over and sit sideways," Flontina pointed out, probably noticing my discomfort, "Little Winvestial Junior here steer the horse." 

"Thanks," I replied, feeling the relief instantly when I shifted, though now I can get a clearer look at Harken's face and he can get a better look at my scar. The price I'll pay for comfort. 

I can even see the scowl on his face as he definitely stared at the scar. I lied when I said it was small. It'll probably be there till the day I die. 

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