Chapter 7

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I almost wanted to throw up in excitement. It's been a month of awkward conversations with both my father and grandfather and luckily no more encounters with my siblings or even cousins, so finally I'm here at the adventurer's guild, ready to become an official member and holding the document tight in my arms. The family seal on a sturdy string tied around my neck.

Waiting behind a few adventurers finishing their mission and coming back to cash in and make sure the secretary, Rosie, records their return. 

"Ah Lara, good morning," the secretary greeted, as I hurried forward, tip-toing up so I can slide the documents onto her desk which she took and read over, a wave of surprise fell over her face that was quickly covered up with a polite smile, "Happy birthday Miss Lara and congratulations!" 

Rosie took a nearby bell and began ringing it loudly, "Attention everyone please join me in welcoming our newest member of the Foxelle Adventurer's Guild! Lara!" 

I felt my face flush with embarrassment from the sudden increase of attention, but given the loud cheers and support quickly doused my anxiety. I waved at a few of them, noticing a few waving back with welcoming smiles. 

"You are officially the youngest member of the guild," Rosie came around the desk, crouching down to put something around my neck, an official guild badge with a fox curled up around some sort of flower, "Congratulations my lady," Rosie whispered, giving me a big hug and standing up and declaring a loud, "A free round on the house! And of course a juice for the young lady!"

More cheering and laughter filled the massive guild hall and drinks were being passed around with just as much joy.

 Somehow through the celebration someone managed to get me a glass of berry juice, sipping the sweet and fruity liquid at one of the bars, watching everyone and their jovial nature. 

"Congrats Miss Lara," an older voice came from beside me, and the guild master sat beside me, his robe dragging across the floor, "How did you do it?" 

"My grandfather signed it without much question,"  I replied, kicking my feet back and forth, staring at them not really wanted to talk about my family. 

Seemingly to understand my discomfort the guild master pulled something out of his pocket. 

"There is already a request for you to join a party." He explained, opening up the folded paper to show me the application of a new party member request, a surprising name at the top of the paper. 

"The Winvestials?" I gawked. 

"Yes, Parter Winvestial has requested you to join his party. His son requested for you personally." 

"Harken Winvestial?" I clarified, getting a nod from the master, "But I've never met him." 

"I might have mentioned you to them, I apologize." 

"It's fine," I take the document looking it over, "It says they go on level 2 or up missions." 

"I think you qualify," the master whipped out a pen, holding it out for me with a smile that was partially hidden by his grey beard. He kind a reminds me of the Grand Duke. "Besides, this party will not let anything bad happen to you." 

I frowned, looking over the party members that were already 4 people right now. 

Parter Winvestial. 

Harken Winvestial. 

Flontina Gerome. 

Kent Pleasel. 

"Pleasel," I muttered, the name quite familiar to me, "Wasn't he Lord Ger- I mean - my father's friend?" 

"Yes, I believe they worked together on one of the royal exhibitions." 

One of the few exhibitions my father participated in. Perhaps its because the monsters were getting close to my mother's hometown that he felt that he should defend it. I remember Bell mentioning a Pleasel who was my father's right hand man and helped command the knights despite being a commoner. 

Last I heard of this name was from Paris who told me of a commoner swordsmaster who just retired recently. 

What is he doing here?

"I thought the limit for a party was 4?" I questioned, looking to the master who just shrugged. 

"You just made the minimum age requirement for being an adventurer and Harken is just only 12, so I gave this party an exception due to it's young members." 

"I see," I take the pen, signing the document with not much other consideration, "When's the next mission?" 

The master ponders for a second, "I believe it is in 5 days but ask Miss Rosie for the details." 

"I will, thank you master." I hop off the stool, leaving my empty glass on the bar and hurrying over to Rosie only to bump into a sudden body who turned very suddenly. Sending me to by bottom quite roughly. I had dropped my guard given the safe confines of the guild but I guess that was my mistake. 

Strange thing was that this body was smaller than the adults around the hall, and voice much higher and younger than I expected. 


My stomach dropped at the sound of my full name, and I looked up to see a young boy with dark reddish hair, shaven with some length at the top, and noticeably golden eyes that almost seemed to glow. He was dressed in a red tunic and typical apprentice armor that involved a chest plate and 1 shoulder piece. 

He looked a few years older than me, and given the environment and his appearance I assume this is Harken Winvestial. 

"How do you know me?" I asked as I got to my feet, brushing off the dirt from my pants, "And do I know you?" 

He looked a bit disheveled, a slit quick rise and fall of his chest indicating he ran here, and he seemed entranced by something, staring deep into my face with some deep emotions in his eyes. 

Another strange reaction from a stranger. 

"Uh hello?" I wave at him, trying to maintain my composure. No one really knows of Laraine Fortunith, but I don't need my first day as an official adventurer to be filled with questions. 

He finally caught himself in his sort of trance, shooting his hand forward frantically, "Hi, uhh, Harken Winvestial." 

"Lara," I take his hand shaking it cautiously. I could feel the callouses through his gloves, a bit jealous of the amount of time he's had to wield a sword. "Nice to meet you." 

I chose to ignore the fact he knows my full name, giving him a polite smile before excusing myself. Also choosing to ignore his gaping stare as I make my way to Rosie. 

Perhaps I do regret a bit signing up to be in his party. 

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