Chapter 37

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It was cold, almost refreshing. 

I don't remember how I got here, all I remember is the dragon staring me down before pouring a waterfall of searing fire out of it's mouth right on top of me. 

I closed my eyes in anticipation of being turned into charcoal, but there was no burning sensation that overtook me. 

Instead it was cold. 

Peaking one of my eyes, I immediately saw the blues and purple auras of the spirit world. 

"What?" I spun around looking at what no mortal being had ever been before. Around me was a scenic waterfall cove, with what would be land was soft, almost transparent, purple shapes that seemed to contain stars. The water was blue as you'd think, and pounding on the purple rocks but there was no sound. 

Instead in the middle of the small lake the waterfall fell into, was Tallow. Sitting on the surface of the rough water, staring at me with an expecting gaze. Several hundred water spirits decorated the land, all also watching me with blank expressions. 

"Tallow?" I called out to him, to get no response, "Ta-" 

I got cut off by a massive explosion behind me, knocking me to my knees. It didn't hurt, but the force was enough to push my crumpled form forward into the water that felt even colder that the air. 

Trying to get my bearings, and coughing up really nothing, I turned to see a massive volcano. It too had black-transparent form that towered over me with yellowish orange flow coming right out of the top. 

Everything here was just so transparent. 

Fire spirits began to emerge out of the transparent lava that flowed down to where I sat. They seemed to be similar to the water spirits with small pudgy bodies all wearing various simple clothes, but their heads were like candle flames. Small and almost cute. 

They swarmed me, chittering with excitement as they began tugging at my arms and clothes, getting me out of the water and onto the lava which felt only slightly warm. It was comforting, like laying on a heated bed. 

I followed where they wanted to lead me, right up the volcano to the mouth, staring down at the molten lava where another larger form sat, staring up at me from their position. 

It was a large tiger. Like Tallow with water, it appeared to be made of pure fire, being primarily orange with yellow and reddish details that made up it's stripes and face, with a deep blue at where its heart would be. 

"Hello?" I called out from the top, leaning more over to get a better look at the creature, only to feel several pairs of hands push me forward, "Hey! St-" I got cut off again by me losing balance, tumbling into the volcano and landing on the surface of the lava that just wobbled as if it was made of jelly. It both cushioned my fall and pushed me to right until the tiger's snout. 

I could feel its warm breath tickling my hair. 

"Hello Laraine Fortunith," it greeted, and it's voice was incredibly deep but it was of a woman's voice. Baritone enough to shake my core but feminine enough to be comforting. 

"Hello?" I finally got my bearings, standing up and backing up enough to look it right in its golden eyes. 

"I am Xelnova," the tiger, Xelnova (like Zel-Nova), introduced herself, "The Luminary of Fire, much like Tallow is the Harbinger of Water." 

"What?" This was the first I've heard of Tallow's official name. To me he was my teacher and guide through the spirit world. 

Letting out a long sigh, Xelnova gestured her head for me to follow her and I did, walking beside her as she walked to the wall of the volcano which opened like a tent curtain, allowing for us to walk into a black space. 

"As you probably figured out, you're in the Spirit World," she began but I had to cut in. 

"How did I get here?" I asked, almost in a panic. 

"We will get here my dear," she looked to me comfortingly, "Just listen to what Tallow should have told you regarding the Spirit World." 

I nodded, looking to a scene that suddenly sprouted in front of me. It was like looking down on a map, decorated with the colors of the rainbows. 

"The Spirit World is divided into the 4 elements," she explained. There were clear borderlines between all of the worlds with different colored lands. Purple for water, orange for fire, light blue for air, and green for earth. "Myself, Tallow, Epheara - the Sheppard of Air, and Warst the Dignitary of Earth are in charge of these lands. We organize the spirits and try to maintain a balance in this realm." 

Forms of a large ram appeared, Epheara, as well as a horse, Warst. They don't seem to be here, just visions for me to see.

"But what about the mortal realm?" 

She nodded in acknowledgement, "We have mortal equivalents that are supposed to care for the spirits that reside in the mortal realm. You are Tallow's equivalent. Chosen for your clear soul." She didn't seem to want to elaborate, and I didn't want to question further, "The rest of us do have equivalents, but they aren't as strong as you." 

"Why is that?" I questioned, suddenly interested if there were people out there who were like me. 

"I'm sure Tallow told you about the world resetting, going back in time to when you were little," Xelnova suddenly showed me a world, the capital from my world to be specific, that seemed to be covered in blood red lighting, screams and explosions and destruction could be heard everywhere. 

"What is this?" I felt like a dumb parrot repeating myself, but my mind wasn't functioning. 

"A future from another life," Xelnova grimly stated. "We, as spirit leaders are capable of restarting the world but we cannot interfere in mortal matters like this. Our mortal counterparts, however, can." 

"This," I couldn't find the words, but I had a mission to get back to, "What does this all have to do with me?! Why am I here? How do I get back to my friends?!" 

Seemingly ignoring me, Xelnova looked to another dark area that began to form my young self, from when I was 10. 

It was just me - pre burns - in my pjs, sleeping while being lifted vertically up, my arms outstretched to resemble the letter 'T.'

Three balls of light: orange, blue, and green spiraled into my chest. Grabbing the area where it made contact with me so long ago, I clutched myself. 

"Our counterparts appeared to give up their powers to bring you back," Xelnova simply stated, "So now you are the sole carrier of our powers of your realm. To answer your question from earlier, your spirit was brought here so you could learn your capabilities." 

"My spirit?" Before she could answer, a blinding light over took the room, and I could barely make out a figure of my height and stature. 

The light stopped for just a moment, allowing me to look at the form and it was me. 

We were dressed the same, looked the same, with the exception that she had a sword and her eyes were just pure balls of light. Staring up at the frustrated dragon that began to release another torrent of fire. 

She - no I - was completely unaffected, simply waited for the dragon to stop before the grip on my sword tightened. 

"Are you ready to go back now?" Xelnova casually asked, and I tightened my fist like the me I see before me. 


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