Chapter 8

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I went home very quickly, after the small party ended, as it was approaching dinner time and Rebecca would have a fit if I was late since I begged her to let me go alone, promising I'll come back before dinner. 

"W-wait! Lara!" A voice called after me as I threw my hood up, pausing to see Harken running towards me with some urgency. 

"Yes?" I cross my arms, already not liking this young man, "What do you want?" 

"I, I wanted to apologize, for pushing you earlier." He was mumbling, looking to his feet rather than my eyes and apologizing like a real gentleman. He was also definitely hiding something, something that made him seem guilty. 

It was irritating to me. 

"It's fine," I sighed, looking away to some others on the street. Drunkards and homeless who had no where to go. "Thank you for apologizing." 

"It's not safe to walk alone," he suddenly said, approaching me slowly like I was some wild animal, "Can I walk you home?" 

"It's not far, that won't be necessary," I begin to walk away, just trying to leave him. He wasn't setting off any red flags but he was being very annoying. 

"Then can I just walk with you? I'm heading that way anyways." He sheepishly walked by my side, giving me a boyish smile. 

"Sure," I shrug, adjusting my hood so I wouldn't see him in my peripherals. 

"The Guild Master told me you're going to be in my father's and mine's party." He began, fidgeting his fingers over the hilt of his sword, "So I wanted to get to you know you before we go on your first mission." 

"What is our first mission?" I ask, not wanted to talk about myself, "I didn't get to ask Rosie." 

"Uhhh I think we're going to go up north and deal with some winterfall wolves, easy first mission in my opinion," he paused, quickly saying, "Pack a lot of layers, the north is really cold and not for little kids." 

"Aren't you from the north?" I peeked at him, noticing he was looking at me and quickly looked forward when he noticed my gaze. 

"Y-yeah," he stuttered out, "So I'm used to the cold." 

"Uh huh," I quickened my pace, trying to hurry up this walk and this conversation. But he quicky adapted. 

Darn my small legs. 

"So you specialize in swords?" He commented, really getting my attention. 

"What makes you say that?" I truly was curious. 

"Your hands," he pointed out, "Calloused like mine." 

I lifted my hand up, looking down at the small bumps of hardened skin. 

"Though your hand is a lot smaller than mine," he chuckled, lifting up his now ungloved hand in comparison. Definitely larger with more hardened skin. 

"I'm still growing," I pout, catching my childish behavior and clearing my throat, stopping in my strides, "I believe this is where we part." 

He looked at the street I was going to take, squinting into the darkness like he was trying to scope out any dangers. Seemingly satisfied he held out his hand again to shake. 

"I'll see you in a few days, yeah?" 

I finally crack a real smile, looking right into his eyes, they seem to glow like the setting sun, "Yeah. I'll see you." 

Walking away from him I notice he just stares at me, standing there until I turn the corner out of his sight. 

Strange boy. 

"Oh my lady!" Rebecca was pacing outside of the servant's entrance, standing there with Sir Howell who looked as bored as ever, but I could see the slight twitch of relief on his face from my safe return. "Are you alright? Are you hungry? How was the guild? Did you have fun?"

"I'm fine Rebecca," I assured her, "But I am very hungry." 

"Of course of course!" Rebecca once again shoved Howell aside so that I could enter. 

Once again I could see a slight twitch of amusement in Howell's face. 

Oh? Perhaps Randall has competition. 

Though perhaps Randall wasn't competition at all judging by the slight flush in Rebecca's cheeks as she hurried me inside for warm food and a nice bath. But that could just be because she was stressed I wouldn't come home on time. 

I was exhausted after that short walk. Perhaps it was just my young body not being able to handle a lot of exciting and stressful events. I almost wanted to tell Rebecca I wanted to go to bed rather than eat but she seemed to already know, leading me to the bath rather than the dining hall. 

"Did you have fun?" Rebecca asked as she helped me take off my vest, tunic, and shorts, just leaving me in my undergarments as she double checked the water's temperature. 

"Yes," I yawned, taking off my own undergarments and climbing into the tub, enjoying the various salts Rebecca put in to help me be more relaxed. I was suddenly so tired I almost didn't feel her beginning to wash my hair. 

"That's nice my lady," Rebecca's voice grew distant, nearly fuzzy in sound. I think she asked me something else, but I simply felt my body sway with the warmth and suddenly I couldn't hear a single thing anymore. 

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