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In the morning, I use the five-step skin routine, starting with the blackhead mask that I keep on for 5 minutes

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In the morning, I use the five-step skin routine, starting with the blackhead mask that I keep on for 5 minutes. I rinse my face with ice cold water for 3 minutes, then use a cotton pad to dry off. My skin looks flawless! Beauty sleep is no joke. I lean forward in awe and examine my face. It looks like I just got a facial. My black and white heads are gone. My skin is lighter and smoother. I love the squeakiness.

"This is crazy!" I add aloe vera, glycolic acid, oil, and sunscreen. The primer in it has a blurring effect. "Oh wow, look at my face!! Ahhh!" I happy dance and take a selfie without a filter. I look like I have glass skin...my dark circles have even lightened. Omg, this is bomb! My skin has never looked this amazing!

When Lily sees me at work, her mouth drops to the floor. I know I look good in the sunlight; I did a check on my camera on the way here. I rotate in front of lockers and pose like a model. "Holy shit!! Why doesn't my face look that nice??!" She grimaces. There're tiny red bumps on her chin and a few on her cheeks. "What the hell? I'm doing the same shit!"

"Maybe you're allergic to something. Those look like allergy pimples." I analyze the red bumps.

"Maybe it's the acid..."

"Try cutting that out and see what happens."

Lil dials in a combination and opens her locker to stuff a cross-body bag inside. "You shouldn't waste the glow you have. Use that beauty power."

"Oh, I will. I feel super hot."

"Good...use that energy on him." She closes her locker and tosses me a leather wallet. I squint at it in my hands, baffled. Why is she giving me a wallet??? "It fell out of his pocket and slid under the table. Jace will be in today for it, hopefully before the sun goes down. You're shining; he has to see you in daylight."

"You. I...said...you need to stop! That's stealing! You're probably on camera!" I stammer furiously.

"I was sly with it." I try to give the wallet back, but she races off when I jab it her way. "Get that rich life!" She shouts on her way out.

Lil?! Ugh!" My hand goes to my forehead. What the fuck?!! Is this what she was planning last night??? I'm not keeping this! My feet peddle to the lobby to hand it over to Sam. "Hey, a diner dropped their wallet." I hold it out for him to take.

He throws his hands up as if surrendering to a cop. This confounds me. "No way! Lil threatened to beat my ass if I took anything from you today."

"Well, report her!" I rage. "This is against company policy; you're supposed to hold lost and found."

"Sorry...but she scares me." His dark eyes dash to the staircase in fright. "She's heavy-handed...my arm is sore."

"I'll tell Mr. Thompson then!" I threaten.

"No, you won't, then he'll fire your bestie." He shrugs. "Deal with it; Lily has you checkmated."

I groan angrily and stomp up the stairs. "Fuck both of you!"

Cherry Locked (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now