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The smell of pancakes and sausages stir me from my slumber

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The smell of pancakes and sausages stir me from my slumber. Mom is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Dad snores on the let-out couch. I chuckle at his sprawled-out body.

I slept great last night. The best rest ever, to be honest. I think I needed a pep talk from my mom this whole time. I need to forget Brad. As Lil said, I need to keep telling myself to leave him. I'm going to work on it day by day. Mom wears a flower sleep dress. Her hair is tussled across her head. She looks like she went to a hardcore party last night...all we had were coolers.

"Morning, mom." I greet, wrapped up in a sheet.

"Hey, sweety, how'd you sleep?"

"Like a baby."

"He he he, I should snap a pic next time and compare it to your baby picture."

"That's...kinda creepy, mom."

"Not when it's your child. You'll find out one day."

I go to the cabinets and unload plates and glasses. "I'll probably need my food to go."

"You're working?"

I shoot a glance her way. "Yeah...at the country club, remember?"

She flips the sausages over in the pan, using a spatula. "Why not take some time off?"

"I did." I go to the fridge for orange juice. "Staying home got boring. I was alone with my thoughts too much."

"Bad thoughts?" Mom lowers the knobs on the stove and faces me.

"Yeah." My eyes tunnel vision on the heating pancake batter, studying the tiny bubbles atop the white mix.

"About what?"

I open the juice and fill the glasses. "It wasn't just one thing. It was a lot. The accident...my skin—my ex. Jace." I admit being distracted by him. I don't mind being transparent with my mom. "Staying home only made me feel worse."

"What about your skin?" She tries to evaluate it, but I'm all wrapped up in the sheet. "Is it healing wrong?"

"No...I just don't like the marks."

"We can hit the spa for a good exfoliation; you can get some cream too."


"Now...is it okay to talk about the hunk, or no?"

"Mom..." I shake my head and cap the juice carton.

"Well, you just brought him up, so..."

"Just don't...do what you did last night." I flinch, grossed out.

"Okay, I won't." She goes back to preparing breakfast. "Why was Jace on your mind?"

I sip on orange juice. "He made advances."

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