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I wander up a back staircase

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I wander up a back staircase. I evaluate myself as I climb the spiraling hall full of windows. Am I being stupid? Unfair? I'm only trying to support Brad. I love Jace, and I loved Brad. I know who I'm supposed to be with. But the past is haunting me. How do I let go?

I pass row after row of windows, which flicker moonlight across my face. My feet climb the second flight of stairs. The winding stairwell is semi-dark, touched with pale blue light. The pin I hold reflects in my hand. Do I part with Brad? I sincerely believe he had no control over his fury. Why else is he in AA?? I wouldn't date him again.

I've contemplated it...but my world is with Jace. The cabin dream. The certainty of our confession...our connection. Even the way he dug until he found my interest in life. Jace isn't just with me; he's aiding my growth. I don't think I can blow that to bits for Brad. I have to say goodbye. I should have done this after the abuse.

I was still blinded. I was trapped. Lil must have seen this; that's why she hid my phone. She saw the truth. My bestie knew I deserved better. Why didn't I see this? Why don't I see it now? What's wrong with me?! Brad almost raped me! He's a monster. An evil, cruel, mean, aggressive brute. Why isn't that enough to walk away?! Why can't I ban him from my life?!

I make it to the last step and open a door to the roof. The wind ripples my hair as if I'm skydiving. My bare feet step onto the cold stone. I hug my arms. My sleep gown flattens to my body like second skin. I go to the gazebo. The castle-esque structure. The view of the ocean beyond takes my breath away. This is my home now. Why am I messing this up? Jace is mad at me. He thinks I don't love him. Why can't he see I'm struggling? Why can't he see that I can't let go as fast as he wants me to?

It isn't my fault. I can't control my heart...or how my mind keeps revisiting my time with Brad. I can't flip off a switch and move on. Not yet, anyway. It hasn't even been 3 months. I need more time. This should be obvious. Do I have to tell him the exact words? "I'm a mess...so work with me here?"

That'll probably piss Jace off even more. He's never stormed out on me. That's new. Jace is usually well-mannered. This was a boiling point. I hope he forgives me. I drape my arms past the railings and puff out air. There's about a hundred foot drop from the roof to the courtyard. I should let it fall.

I eye the badge in my hand. I should...but I know I'll go and get it. It wouldn't be gone for good. Burning it is too dramatic...I could sink it. I have to do something...friendship won't work. There's too much conflict. I want it gone. I close my eyes and take a huge whiff of air. I'll do the right thing. I have to. I withdraw my phone. Within Snapchat, I unblock Brad. Then I call. It's 1 am...but I don't care. This has to be done. This is up to me...I must do what's best.

"Maddy?" Brad's voice is froggy. I woke him up.

"I'm calling to let you know that I'm glad you're bettering yourself. I hope you learn from your actions and never do what you did to anyone else."

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