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Mr. Thompson marches my way as soon as I walk into the country club. "Madison, I need to see you in my office."

"Oh..." I peer at Lily and back at him with trepidation. "Is it something bad?"

"Just come." He wags a finger to summon me.

My feet stumble after him. My boss walks me up the stairs; we pass the banquet hall and head to his office. "Is this about a customer review? Is that it? Did someone complain?"

"No, you're not in trouble."

"Then what..." I rummage my mind for another reason. "Did I forget to lock up? Or missed a clock out?"

Thompson stops in front of his door. "No."

"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but you're being pretty vague with the reason."

He opens the door to his cluttered office. I spot a huge, white box glistening on the desk. It's the first thing I realize. The second thing is Jace. He's in all black, his ripped arms nearly bust from a suede shirt. His thick thighs are sharp in the jeans. A gold belt frames his hips. Jace's hair is incredible! One side is behind an ear while the other hangs.

He's never worn such a suggestive outfit around me.

His body is an art sculpture...I need to touch it.

"Thank you, Mr. Thompson."

"You're welcome, sir." My boss waves me ahead. "In you go, Madison."

This is freaky! I wished to see him again...and here he is. Sitting on my boss's desk...waiting like a prowling panther. I want to scratch his clothes off! My sex drive has been repressed for far too long...it's vigorously hungry.

I step inside, spelled by his sparky eyes. The door closes behind me. The slam of the wood flutters my bean. We're alone...without a medical condition to restrict us. "Hello again, Madison." His bassy tone taunts.

"I thought it was goodbye."

"I guess that one was like the last...meaningless."

"Why is that?"

Jace straightens to his full height, 6′3 to my 5′8. He's huskier; his biceps are ridiculous in the fitted top. "You tell me?"

"I'm the one who's asking."

"So am I."

"We both can't be clueless."

"No...but we could be dumb together." He smolders. "I have something for you, as congratulations on recovering."

"How do you-"

"My informant...our last talk bothered me. I'm happy you sought help."

"You can't spy on me!"

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