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In the morning, I wake surrounded by three doctors

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In the morning, I wake surrounded by three doctors. One refills the IV fluids. The other analyzes my vitals on the monitor. The third replaces the bandages on my legs. The spots of red on the old cloths churn my stomach. The old coin smell makes me feel queasy.

"Oh, good morning, Ms. Hart." The woman who patches my legs, greets. "Welcome to day 5; your wounds are in the first stage of reformation." The lady tears apart a new sticky covering. "There's no infection so far. Are you feverish?"

"No." She presses the new bandage onto my skin. The other docs type on tablets. "Thank you all for everything." My groggy voice is sentimental. "You all really are miracle workers."

"You're welcome." The two men say, briefly glancing from their tablets before returning to log info.

"Thank you." The woman replies gratefully. "If only that could be said about the last doctor."

"Sometimes, the wrong calls are made. Even the best of us can misdiagnose." One of the men chimes in.

"True." The woman goes on adding bandaids. "That's why it's best to have a team. You're lucky, Miss. Most people have no choice. You're very fortunate to have us to come to your rescue."

Helen comes through the door with a single plate and a cup of orange juice. "Hello, all!" She sings while walking toward me. "I decided to go lighter since your appetite is low." On the plate, there's toasted wheat bread topped with a flattened egg, diced strawberries, and kiwi. The different pops of color on the saucer are so perfect. I don't want to ruin the art. She rests it on my lap and sets the glass on the nightstand.

"Thank you." I pick up the toast and take a huge chunk. I haven't had much to eat in 5 days. I'm surviving off fluids. I need food for strength. Will I even be able to walk?? "Excuse me, doctor?" I address the woman, who begins on my other leg. "Am I able to walk?"

"Yes...although it will be painful. Your skin is tightening and is less elastic. It'll feel like ripping stitches. I'd suggest a wheelchair for now. No more than 3 days to get your muscles closer to normal. Then you'll be discharged."

"Would you like a tour of the estate?" Helen suggests. "You must be sick of staying in bed."

"That'll be nice." It would be nice to get active. I'm forgetting how mobility feels. I could also find Jace to thank him. Today is a day of gratitude. I also need to get the address. I need my Lily and my boyfriend.

After some sleep, my mind has cleared. The argument we had yesterday is understandable. I am at another man's place...and Brad and I are dating. He mentioned me leaving him before; he didn't like it. Brad even hinted at dying if he lost me. He's scared of losing me. I think he does love me after all. I won't dismiss how he accused me, though.

After downing breakfast, the three doctors escort me from the bed to a wheelchair. I realize what the doctor meant by the elasticity of my muscles. The connective threads of my skin seem to rip just from the slight movements I make. I help with my body weight by lifting my waist, so I'm not a complete burden. I hiss through my teeth and whimper.

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