Chapter 7

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I wake up to blinding light shining in my face and weights on my stomach. I rub my eyes open and look over to see Gage laying on his stomach next to me with his arm slung over me.

I smile down at how peaceful he looks and remember what we did last night. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision which I don't regret at all.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, I just couldn't wake him up. I reach over and brush the hair from his eyes and watch as they flutter before opening.

He immediately smiles and leans over to kiss me. "Good morning, luv."

I grin. "Hi."

He rolls over and snags his arm down to my waist and pulls me incredibly closer to him. I snuggle right into his side.

Something hits me. "Gage?"


"We're in someone else's bed."

He chuckles, "would you like to change that?"

I nod slowly and in all his naked glory, he throws the blankets off himself and grabs his clothes from around the room. He picks up mine too and brings them to me before turning around.

Such the gentleman.

I quickly dress and straighten my hair out as best I can.

We head out of the room, hand in hand. Tingles run up and down my arm. He leads us down a long hallway and to an open staircase which allows us to see the entire dance floor and bar area. People are scattered everywhere. Some are still passed out but some were staggering around trying to figure out where they were.

And then there were other stupid people who were still drinking.

We weaved our way through the bodies and finally made it out to fresh air.

"Where did you park?" Gage asks, as he scanned the rows of cars.

My eyes widen. I totally forgot about Alex! Oh I'm so dead. Alpha is going to kill me!

"Yes he is but he'll get over it. We are with our mate." Addie, my wolf says in my head.

" Nope, I really don't think he'll understand." I was out for eight days and then all of the sudden I'm up and ready to get drunk at a party which I do and then I sleep with my mate after saying that I will be home that night.

Alpha is probably freaking out right now.


I snap out of my worry and look over to the gorgeous man in front of me.

"Well, um, I kind of rode here with my friend and I have no ideas where she is." I looked over to where we parked. "And she left." I mumbled. What a friend.

"Well, you're coming with me anyway so its all good." He says and gently tugs on my hand to get me to follow him. I stay rooted in my spot.

"I can't. I might as well kill myself now so that my Alpha won't have to." He really will want to kill me. I don't think he will ever get over this.

He stopped mid stride. One look in his eyes and I knew that was not the right thing to say.

"No one will ever touch you again besides me, got it?" He growled.

I nod and hold out my hand. "Can I use your phone to call my friend and at least tell her where I am?"

He stared at me for a moment and I knew he would rather get out of here as fast as possible. He reluctantly dig out his phone and placed it in my hand.

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