Chapter 28

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Sleep is good. Sleep is really, really good. Especially when you're over eight months pregnant but have only been pregnant for like three months.

But wait there's more.

I just happened to see my mate again who got me pregnant and then left. Granted he didn't know I was pregnant at the time. But still he did know that I'd he didn't do something, I would be in the hands of someone who wants to do hell knows what.

But wait there's still more!

I've just been told that I still have to stay here until Gage fully agrees to help the rogues and then I have to go through with getting the amulet.

And more......

We have to figure out who Brad needs to activate the amulet and do something with the person. Tie them up, stab them, wrap them in chains and throw them in a quarry. They are all reliable ways to get rid of them.

Still more.

I am fucking eight months pregnant. How in hell am I supposed to successfully get the amulet? I can't even walk at a normal pace much less stay standing for more than five minutes straight.

Well now you all see. I'm never getting my ass out of here.

And I know what you're thinking. What's with all the swearing? It comes with the baby people!

A knock sounds at my bedroom door.

Dinner time.

Diana, the woman 'assigned' to me, sticks her head in the rom. "Dinner time, miss."

I honestly don't get the whole 'miss' thing because really I'm like almost 20. call me ma'am if you have to but I do have a name which I prefer to be called.

I nod to her and kick the sheets aside. With a huff, I scoot myself to the very edge of the bed and then continue to slide off. Once on my feet, I put both hands on my back and lean back. The gross, but wonderful cracks follow.

I look over to see Diana patiently waiting for me at the door. I swear she gains a wrinkle every time she comes to see me, which is very often.

"Ready, miss." She asks.

"No." I say. This time she doesn't stop to look back. Last time I pulled the 'no I'm not ready' she made me stay in my room and wait till the cafeteria was empty to let me eat. Said she could feel the insecurity rolling right off me.

I told her that was a load of bullshit considering I am as secure as I've ever been in my life, but she doesn't believe a word I say.

"So, what have I missed?" I ask, sitting in the seat across from Adrian and Michael.

Both of their heads snap away from each other. What ever they were talking about was not for listening ears.

"Gage won't agree to the terms of our agreement." Adrian spits out.

Michael glares at him.

"He demands to see you." Adrian says.

"No." My response is almost too quick.

Michael throws his hands in the air. "Well, you're going to."

I shake my head. "No can do. I am on a strict no Gage diet for the rest of my life."

Yeah, that ended the moment I saw him yesterday.

"Here's the thing, babe. He won't cooperate. All he wants is to see you, so if we let him see you then maybe he will comply to what we are asking." Adrian says.

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