Chapter 16

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"What the hell?!?" Alex yells. "Are you serious! There cannot be that much." She pulls over and grabs the cash out of my hands before I can object.

She starts to count and I rub my throbbing head. There is over eleven thousand dollars in there. We could have really used that money. Not like we were poor but it would have been nice for my dad to take some days off so we could actually see him. Yes, my dad did work because our pack apparently needed more money so all the men in the pack got jobs.

"Holy shit." Alex whispers. "Holy mother fu-"

"Alex!" I yell, clutching my stomach. "Little ears."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Oh please, she can't hear anything."

"Yeah, but it will and when it does you will not be swearing." I warn. My baby will not have its first words be a swear, I forbid it.

She rolls her eyes again. "Just make sure that none if those words come out of your mouth. I mean come on who isn't going to swear when we have fu- freaking $11,000 in our car right now. What are we going to do with it all?"

We can't put it in the bank or someone like Brad could track it and find us which is the absolute last thing we need to have happen.

I look out the window and the houses in the distance. "We will have to find a place to stay at some place."

She nods. "But not here. We need to keep driving."

I nod. Brad is way too close for us to stop.

"Where do you think the money was for?" Alex whispers.

Unease flows through me. I don't know where the money came from. For all I know they could have been saving it for an emergency or maybe my college. Not like I would ever go.

But what kind of emergency? What if it had something to do with the rogues or what Brad needs me for? Maybe Brad knows about the money he just didn't know where it was. Which is stupid because he could have just searched my house and found it.

But then he would get in trouble and I wouldn't be on his side anymore. Well, he doesn't have to worry about that anymore since there is no way in hell I'm ever going to trust him again.

"Kat?" Alex asks.

I shrug. "I have no idea."

Alex laughs. "Yeah, that's BS. I can see that look on your face. You have some sort of idea."

I sigh. "Brad wants me for something, right?" She nods. "Well, maybe he wanted the money or something and was too afraid to get it himself."

"That could be true but he needs you for something more than money." She says. There is a little hesitance in her voice.

"What else do you know?" I say, urgently.

"Look, I listened in on a conversation that I shouldn't have and I don't know if I'm making any of the right assumptions or not so don't take my word on anything okay?"

Her voice has a nervous edge to it and it makes unease build in the pit of my stomach too.

"Okay." I say.

She takes a deep breath before starting. "So Brad, Tom, and Drew were all in Brad's office talking and I was in the kitchen but heard yelling so I grabbed a basket of laundry to make it look like I was just passing by." She looks at me with a grin and I roll my eyes.

"So, when I walk past I slow my pace and as I pass, I hear them say your name. So, I stop and lean against the door since it was closed. Brad was saying something about how he made a deal with someone to get some sort of information. The peoples names were Declan and Carrie or something and they were going to have a meeting the next day."

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