Chapter Three: Revelation

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The days have gone by painfully slow and I can feel my sanity slipping through my fingers. I don't think they're going to kill me, if they were they would have done it by now. I think that I may pass away from boredom and nerves though. I have no clue what is happening outside this small room and the anxiety of the damning war is pushing the limits of my mind. 

I do practically nothing all day. I've started eating the food, I gave in around day four, accepting the possibility of it being poison. It's not, but the cook is terrible. I get a meal twice a day, delivered by Patrik. He comes in, sets the tray down, and walks out without uttering a single word. Other than eating, all I do is sleep and think. I sleep in the armchair and then sit in the window seat all day, watching the outside. 

There is something oddly comforting watching the crows outside my window live their lives. I long for their freedom, something I lost after graduating school. I've started occasionally talking to myself, which is a bad sign I know, but I can't handle never hearing a voice. 

I might loathe Patrik but I long for him to say something. I need to hear a human speak. He could call me any insult he wanted but I just want a person's company. The only extra time he's spent in here was when he dropped off a simple dress for me to change into. I'm more comfortable now, the ballgown was too itchy. 


I'm awaken with a hand shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and in the dim light, they meet Patrik's dark green ones. "Why are you sleeping in the chair and not the bed?" Patrik asks me with disbelief and irritation. "Whatever, just get up." 

Ares, enters the room, swinging the door open and walking beside Patrik. He grabs a wooden chair from the table and puts it in the middle of the room. 

"Sit," Patrik orders with agitation and aggression laced in his voice. I get out of the armchair and anxiously sit on the old chair. I start twiddling my fingers and twisting my engagement ring. 

"We need answers." Ares replies cooly but in a tone that reveals he's forcing himself to be calm. 

"Answers about what?" I ask, furrowing my brow in confusion. Patrik scoffs and rolls his eyes. 

"Just get the potion or else she's going to keep playing dumb." Ares pulls the from his pocket a familiar vile with truth potion. 

"Don't be difficult." Ares warns me before stepping cautiously towards me. He pours the potion down my throat and I oblige, wanting to know why they are so upset. 

"We want answers." Ares declares, stepping in front of me while Patrik leans against the fireplace. "And you are going to tell us exactly what Imperious is doing to the humans." 

"What Imperious is doing to the nutzlos?" I ask, my confusion quickly revealing myself with my candor. 

"Do not use that word!" Ares roars at me. "Now tell me, what is Imperious doing with the human children going missing?" 

"I don't know anything about that!" 


"I can't lie!" I retort, my emotions boiling over. "I don't know anything about missing nutzlos children!" I've been here for days, I wouldn't know what they're currently doing.

"She's telling the truth Ares, she can't lie right now. She just likes to cheat and lie and whore around when she feels like it and think she won't get caught." Patrik spits at me, turning his back. 

"Patrik for God's sake I did not cheat on you!" I yell out before my brain can stop me. My eyes widen as Patrik whips around, his eyes bearing into my soul. 

"What did you just say?" 


The truth is coming out hee hee.

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