Chapter Eleven: Teenage Fatality and Tragedy

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I stare up at the dark wood lines on the ceiling above the bed. The sheets suffocate me while the cold air wraps around me like a cold kiss. Lately all I've been able to think about is my mother, but now another memory is the sole occupant of my mind.

"What the fuck Nilsia?" Patrik's voices booms across my dorm. "Is there something you're not telling me here?" 

"Patrik I can explain-" 

"Bullshit, the whole world saw you making out of Iwan! Do you think I'm blind?" He runs his hands through his hair while pacing the room. 

"No-" I go to explain, but Patrik keeps going. 

"Have you been fucking him? Hm? Right under my nose the whole time?" 

"Please  let me-" 

"OH so you have?" 

"That's not what I said." 

"Jesus you are such a liar." He laughs out. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised, if you can keep one relationship secret, two isn't much trouble either." 

"Patrik please-" 

"I really don't want to hear any of your whore excuses." 


"What? Do you have issue being called what you are? A whore, a Imperialist?" 

Tears trickle down my face as the insults feel like fresh cuts rubbed in salt. "Stop it."

"Can't handle the truth?" I look into his face, red with anger. His eyes are wet but no tears escape. "Were we anything? Or was I just some pawn to your game?" 


"I don't want to hear it." Patrik starts to leave, walking for the door. "I'm done. It's off. Everything, the secrecy, the elopement. I'll go back to Scalae and you'll go home to Umbra." 

My entire heart goes silent. No heartbeat, nothing. Patrik's hands rips my heart into two, my heart and my own screams join to create a symphony of aguish. 

"Patrik- you." Gut wrenching sobs erupt from my lips. "You don't understand!" 

"I understand enough Nilsia." Patrik reaches for the door handle. 

"Please!" I collapse to my knees as he opens the door. Patrik turns back to face me. 

"Rot in hell Nilsia." The door bangs closed as he leaves. 

"NO! DON'T LEAVE ME! YOU CAN'T" I wail into the empty room. My voice vibrates against the the sound proof charm on the walls. "PATRIK PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME" I can't suppress my screams or sobs as I shake on my floor. "Don't leave us..."


I lay there, hysterical, until the sun rises. I was supposed to leave to leave for Scalae today with Patrik. We were going to get married a few weeks later. When I had told him how my father treated me, Patrik insisted that I run away with him. 

Where do I go now? 

I don't have any family that would take me in. Any kingdom will throw me out or kill me for the crimes of my father. I have only one place to go. 

I get up from the floor and find puff eyes looking back at me. My hair is tangled and clothes are rumpled from laying on the hard floor. My skin is blotchy and dried tears coat my cheeks. 

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