Chapter Four: Confessions

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"I never cheated on you Patrik. I loved you. You just saw something out of context and never listened to me. Iwan was drunk and I thought it was you! I would have never betrayed you! Once I realized it was Iwan I pushed him off me but you already made up your mind, that I cheated. You never listened to me!" I rush out, desperately trying to not spill my heart out. 

Patrik's eyes widen and he shakes his head. "You're lying." I wish I was. I need him to hate me. 

"She can't be lying, the potion still has a few moments of effect left." Ares tells Patrik. 

"You loved me?" Patrik chokes out. 

"Yes" the words feel like they're being strangled out of me. "But I hate you now. You called me a whore and left me, you called off the elopement when I needed you. You left me. My father was right about you." I ramble on, "I hate you for-" I feel the effects of the potion drift away just as I'm about to say too much. "leaving me." I muster out. 

"I...I need a moment." Patrik storms out the room, leaving me in tears and Ares uncomfortable." 

"Well, it seems I better be going then." Ares drawls out, breaking the silence. He then gives me one more glance, frowns, and then struts out the room, locking the door behind. 

White hot tears dripping down my face cloud my vision as I stumble out of the chair. I curl into the fetal position in the sanctuary of the armchair weeping. My mind is aching as a thousand thoughts pass through my head. What's going to happen? echoes in my brain till it becomes a beat that drifts me off to a light sleep. 


I jerk awake to heavy foot steps and keys scraping against the lock. The door swings open and I met with sight of Patrik, stumbling. He closes the door behind him and starts laughing a pained laughed. "We're Romeo and Juliet huh?" He starts laughing hysterically as I jump out my chair and step closer. 

"Are you drunk?" I haven't seen Patrik drunk in a long time. I think the last instance was after a ball at the academy. 

"Maybe I am, Princess." He chuckles at the nickname. He is definitely drunk. Patrik always thinks he's a jester after a few too many drinks. "I would have to be after you drop a bomb like that on me." He slurs.

"I didn't want to tell you." 

"Why? You wanted me to hate you?" He hiccups. 

"It was easier because I hate you." I snap back. 

"I'm sorry Nilsia." 

"You're drunk. Apology not accepted." Patrik sighs as he lays down on the floor. "What are you doing?" 

"I'm tired" he yawns and stretches his arms, imitating a cat. 

"Then go sleep elsewhere." 

"I'm sorry Nilsia" Patrik murmurs. 

"You've got to be joking me" I sigh. Patrik's familiar snores echo around the room. I pace the room, trying to decide if I should wake him. 

I rush over to the door, hoping that in his drunken state, Patrik forgot to lock it. I turn the handle but the door remains closed in defiance. I turned back and look at the drunken fool on the floor. A yawn becomes me and I curl up in the armchair. Patrik's snores lull me to sleep.  


My eyes flutter open as sunlight rays across the room. Patrik shuffles arounds my room and we make eye contact. He looks like a wreck and his eyes are bloodshot. He sends me a strained smile. 

"Good morning" he croaks out. I say nothing, just purse my lips. "Why do you sleep in the chair? The bed is more comfortable." 

"Because I want to. That's why." 

"Hmm. You don't look too good Nilsia." 

"I could say the same thing." 

"Yeah, because I'm hungover, but you look sick. You're all pale." I had to admit, I did feel quite terrible. I was thinking over the pass few days that I was developing a cold. 

"I'm fine." 

"No, you're not." Patrik raises a hand to my cheek trying to take my temperature and frowns as I move away. "You're burning up." 

"God, I said I'm fine Patrik." I exasperate while quickly standing up. "I'm just t-" a bout of dizziness rushes over me. 

"Nilsia?" Patrik rushes over, catching me slightly as I pass out. 


I think chapters are going to be shorter now. 

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