Chapter Twenty: The Crescendo

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The door slams closed so hard that window shakes. In a fright, I turn to see Patrik standing in the room. The feeling in my gut sinks down to the depth of the ocean when I take in Patrik. A face of panic and adrenaline. He's wearing his armor. A green breastplate and black armor protecting other vital areas. His sword in it's sliver belt hangs on his left side. He's ready for war. 

"Umbran and Sapphirus troops are heading towards the castle. Fast. The day is here." Patrik states in a calm manner. His lack of fear in his voice takes me off guard, until I remember. Patrik, like me was raised in preparation of war. This is the day we were created for. We are our parents weapons, he simply has a stronger moral compass. 

Panic creates an orchestra in my chest. I am not safe here. I am not safe. Patrik is not safe. "Can, could you get me out?" 

He shakes his head, "No, chances are that they have us surrounded and the risk of being killed by anyone is too high. You have to stay here." 

I swallow the lump in my throat, "What's the plan then?" 

Patrik clears his throat, "I need you to listen very closely. I cannot stay by your side. My troops need me. I still have my duty to my country and lead them into battle. I will give Umbra war. You will stay up here. I'm going to lock the door from the inside though. Do. Not. Let. Anyone. In. You will be safe within these walls, I had enchantments put up a long time ago to protect you from anybody ill-intentioned." 

He continues, "If for whatever reason you are no longer safe. I want you to run. Run so fast Nilsia. Avoid trouble and get out to the forest. Stay hidden and I will come find you." He steps toward me. "I may die. I have told Ares to keep an eye out for you and keep you safe. You can trust him. Trust no one else." My head feels like it's spinning but I desperately soak up every words he tells me. 

"I don't have magic. I'm completely defenseless," I panic. 

"Come here" he gestures. I rush over to him and he waves his hand over the sliver cuff I've grown to ignore. I hear a small crack and then it falls to the floor. 

It's like a tidal wave rips through me as my magic re-enters my system. It's like a long lost friend giving you a soul crushing hug. 

Patrik warps his arm around me to stabilize me. "I need to go." He reaches down and leaves a light kiss on my forehead, causing more tingles to go down my spine. He lets me go and rushes towards to the door. "You can lock the door with your magic from the inside now." He opens the door, then pauses. "please stay safe. And...if I die. Please know that I do love you." 

A group of men pass the door as he leaves. So many conflicting words are on the tip of my tongue, but it's too late. He left. I quickly rush toward the door and snap my fingers above the lock. 

That missed feeling of magic surges through me as the lock clicks. Then, I rush toward the window, anxious to watch the battle from my dreaded tower. 


Smoke engulfs the room as it starts to sneakily creep through the door cracks. I start coughing and use my magic to open the window. The smell of gunpowder and fire overwhelms my sense. I desperately try to fight the smoke. I suppose fire is not ill-intentioned. 

I realize that I cannot stay here anymore. Patrik said to leave if I wasn't safe and I no longer am. But the fear of what is outside the door makes me hesitant. 

You can do this Nilsia. You are the Little Red Witch of Agony. You can face a war zone, you have before. 

I put a cloth around my face to help with the smoke but I know it will only buy me time. I look around for anything useful. Joy sparks as I realize Patrik left behind a letter opener from paperwork he was doing earlier. It's not a good as a knife, but it is something. 

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