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TW : Self-Harm, Cussing

Hazel's POV :

I walked to the front of the school and mom Mina parked the car at the same time. I ran to it, not wanting my mom to be mad at me for waiting. I sat and buckled my seat-belt but mom didn't start the car.

"Mom ? Are you okay ?"

"Hazel, mom and I are very disappointed. I know how things can be difficult for you, but skipping classes ?! We didn't raise you like that and you know it. I don't understand what went through your mind but I really hope your weren't smocking or doing something worst with your little new friends. Just know that you just lost the trust mom and I had in you."

And with that, she started driving to the house. I didn't dare saying something because when mom Mina was mad, it was very scary. But I wanted so badly to explain her the reality, that it was the worst day of my life and that I couldn't bring myself to class this afternoon, after what happened this morning.

Instead of explaining that, I just cried, my head turned to the window so that mom couldn't see. I didn't want her to treat me of 'cry baby' like the students did this morning.

She parked on the driveway and didn't wait for me to walk to the house. I tried to follow her fast steps but my legs were so much smaller. I entered the house after her to be meet with both of my moms and their angry and disappointed faces.

"Go to your bedroom, clean yourself, tidy up your stuff and join us in the living room. We need to talk." Stated sternly mom Delia. I had never seen her like that, she was so, so mad. And I didn't dare look at mom Mina. I just walked upstairs and jumped in my bed. I hid my face in my pillow in order to hide the sound of my cries. I sobbed for few minutes until I heard mom Delia yelling from the kitchen.

"Hazel ! I told you to go take a shower NOW !!"

I was shaking at this point, so scared of what my moms could do to me. I jumped into the shower and thought. It's been a while I live with them, I consider them like my real family, even if I know they aren't my biological mothers. My birth parents were horrible with me. They used to abuse me, hit me, neglige me... Well, the beginning of my childhood was pretty hard, until I met those two wonderful women who are my mothers. And I couldn't be more grateful for that, but right now, I was so scared that they might hurt me like my previous family did. The seemed so mad at me, and I'm sure they pretended that they wanted to talk to me but they're going to hit me, like I deserve, because I was such a bad child today.

I needed to punish myself for that, for being bad, for disappointing the two persons I love the most in the whole world. I didn't know what to do to punish myself, until my eyes found my razor. I managed to break it and took the blade. Without thinking any further, I just slid the blade across my left wrist and blood started pouring down the shower. The water was turning red and it was honestly a bit frightening, but it released me so much that I did it again. I cut my wrist, again, making crimson flow down my body. I took a deep breathe as I felt better, until someone knocked violently at the door.

"Fuck Hazel what is taking you so long in here ?! Do not think that you can avoid our talk so hurry and get the fuck out of the bathroom !" Screamed mom Mina from the other side of the door.

I froze at first and when I heard her footsteps getting out of my room, I turned off the water and walked out of the shower. I managed to kind of stop the bleeding and I just put a gray hoodie and some large leggings.

I again took some deep breathes and went downstairs, ready to be hit by my mothers.

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