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TW : Eating-Disorder


Hazel's POV :

Tonight I really didn't feel like eating dinner. I felt so bad, first because I lied to my moms, then because my old friends said that I was so big and above all because I knew they were capable of horrible things to make me keep my mouth shut.

"You're not eating sweetie ?"

I raised my eyes to meet my moms worried faces. " I'm not hungry." I murmured.

They exchanged a sad look but kept eating their meals as I was lost in my thoughts.

I went to sleep a little while after but I couldn't bring myself to close my eyes, I was so scared Alex's group would come to threaten me.

The next morning I woke to the sounds of birds singing outside. I must have fall asleep eventually. I made my way downstairs and was greeted by my two moms.

"Hi little dove, did you sleep well ?" Mom Mina asked.

I simply nodded and sat at the counter. Mom Delia put cereals and pancakes in front of me.

"So today we both have meetings at work so we won't be here this morning but it won't take too long. Is it okay ?"

I nodded again.

"Not very talkative this morning uh ?" Mom Mina said, raising my head with her index finger under my chin.

I weakly smiled, but again, I couldn't bring myself to eat.

"Sweetie, you need to eat. You didn't touch your food yesterday night."

"I know I- I just don't feel well..." I lied, again. Mom Delia approached me and put the back of her hand against my forehead.

"You don't seem to have any fever. Just try to take some bites and I'll make you something with vitamins." She stated pressing oranges to make some juice.

Few hours later, moms left for their meetings and I remained alone, until I heard the front door opening. 'One of my mom must have forgotten their keys...' I whispered to myself, but I didn't hear anything else after, so I decided to go and see.

The front door was wide open, but there was no one to be seen in the house.

"Mom ?" I asked. "Mom Mina ? Mom Delia ? Are you here ?" I looked in the kitchen to find it empty and I started to freak out. "Is there someone in here ?" I tried again and suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and put their hand against my mouth. I was then throw to the wall and two others pairs of arms were holding me very firmly. That's when I recognize Alex, standing in front of me.

"Now you're going to listen to us, to me. We know what you did and how you tried to kill yourself with MY pills and MY bottle of whisky. I also think that at one point you'll have to come back to school so I must prevent you, we won't be friends again, okay ? And if you dare say something about us to anyone, we'll not only hurt you, but we'll also hurt your dirty dykes moms. Do you understand ?"

I was so panicked, I couldn't speak, so I just nodded.

"I said, DO-YOU-UNDERSTAND ?" Alex repeated.

"Y- yes I do I- I understand. I won't talk to anyone I- I promise." I managed to say through sobs. The grip slowly let go of my body and Alex just looked at me up and down then spitted on me. "You fucking fat bitch. Look at you, so ugly and desperate. How could I have date you ?" His friends laughed and they left my house. I immediately ran behind them to lock the door and I let my body slide against the front door as I totally broke down.

Daughter of Mina & Delia - (Sarah Paulson fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя