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TW : Bullying


Hazel's POV :

I decided to hide behind a tree in order to listen to their conversation, and I wasn't ready for what I heard.

"Guys I can't realize we just saw Hazel. She looked like a freak !"

"Yes she really had a hard time. I heard she tried to kill herself."

"Who told you that ??" Asked Alex.

"Some rumors. But she failed. Like can she achieve something in her life ?" They all laughed.

"That's true, and she seems even bigger than before. She really is disgusting."

"I hope she won't tell anyone about us though." One of the girl said.

"We must make sure of it. Alex, do you still have contact with her ?"

"No, she blocked me on every social media. But I know where she lives." He replied and I was so scared that I ran back to my house.

Moms were still at work so I just jumped into my bed and cried myself to sleep, after locking the front door behind me.

Cordelia's POV :

I came home before Mina so I made my way upstairs to see my pretty daughter. I knocked on her door, but there was no response. I entered her bedroom to see her under a tone of blankets and pillows in her bed. I walked to it a bit stressed but she was just sleeping. I let out a relieved breathe and kissed her head before going back downstairs to prepare dinner. Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ringing. I opened the door to discover a group of teenagers.

"Can I help you ?" I asked them.

"Uh, is Hazel here ?" A boy demanded.

"Yes but she's sleeping."

"Oh uh okay. Thanks." They said and started leaving.

"Wait ! Can I ask you who you are ?" I raised my eyebrows.

"We're Hazel's friends and... we just wanted to catch up."

My face softened and I answered "That's very nice of you guys. She's okay now."

"Okay mam. Bye !" They said and they left.

I came back to the kitchen and as I was preparing dinner, I was happy to see that Hazel had still friends. Mina came home a little while after and I immediately told her about the group of teenagers.

"Hazel's friends came here to check on her. Isn't that a good thing ?"

But Mina's face looked stern.

"What ?" I asked her.

"Are you sure they were her friends and not the people who dragged her to smoke and do bad things ?"

"No ! They seemed very nice ! Why are you always on the defensive ?"

"Cordelia... I'm not on the defensive. I just want to make sure that they weren't the people who made our baby girl do the mistakes she made." She sighed.

I dropped the plates on the table with anger. "Can't you be happy that she has friends ?! She finally met nice people !"

"How can you be sure they were nice people ?!"

"Are you the one who talked to them ?!?" I nearly yelled and we must have waken up Hazel because she appeared at the end of the stairs.

"Hi honey. You slept well ?" I asked her, kissing her temple.

"Mmmmh." She only answered and she sat at the counter.

Hazel's POV :

Moms woke me up because they were yelling and I wanted to know about what it was.

"What were you two screaming about ?"

"Uuuuh..." Mom Delia looked down but mom Mina decided to be honest with me.

"Some of your 'friends' came here to take news about you. And we're fighting about the fact that I'm not sure they were your friends but mom Delia is sure they were."

I gulped, remembering what I heard previously today.

"You're okay baby ?" Asked mom Delia.

"Yes I- it's just that I didn't know they... They still cared about me..." I lied.

"Oh sweetie... Yes they do because they're your friends, right ?" Mom Delia asked hugging me.

I nodded. "Yes they are. They're totally my friends." I said trying not to show the tears that were threatening to drop from my eyes.

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