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TW : Blood, Yelling


Delia's POV :

My eyes opened wide as I heard Alice the waitress asking one of her coworker to call 911. I froze for a second, looking around me anxiously. The other waiter was dialing numbers on his phone and Alice looked at me with fear in her eyes.

I shook myself from this paralyzed state and got in the bathroom. Alice followed me and tried to explain herself as I was looking for my daughter.

"I- she wasn't answering me so... I used my keys, we all have a key which opens every stall and- she was there I- I'm sorry I don't know-"

As I reached the last cubicle, I saw my little girl laying on the floor, looking like a ghost.

"HAZEL !" I ran to her, only to notice the blood spilling out of her mouth and on the fingers of her right hand.

"Baby, BABY ! Listen to me, you're gonna be okay ! Wake up sweetie, wake up for mommy please. Please Hazel please baby girl, mommy's here please open your eyes !!" I screamed. I was in a state of panic. I didn't know what to do.

"Mam, I- I'm gonna get your wife." Alice stuttered and left the bathroom, letting me alone with my unconscious and bleeding daughter.

"Please my baby, please open these pretty eyes of yours. You're okay. Mommy's right here, I'm not going anywhere please wake up for mommy, please my little dove." I shushed to Hazel. My tears were falling on her motionless body and my heart was shattering.

A minute later, Mina appeared at the door frame. Her eyes first met mine, and when she saw Hazel, I noticed how her face turned to concern and fear and her mouth opened slightly in shock.

"Hazel !" She screamed, dropping to the floor next to me. "What- what happened ?! Why is she bleeding ?!!"

I shook my head to let her know I had no information, but it wasn't enough for her.

"Cordelia why is she like that ??!" She asked me endlessly. She looked mad, but I knew better than to take it personally. When I'm panicked, my usual reaction is crying and trying to make things better. I'm a soft person. But Wilhemina is very different. When she panics, she's mad at everyone and everything. She needs to understand what's happening, she needs to know what to do, how to help. So she yells, in order to get all the information and do something. She can't stand doing nothing. But here, in this situation, there was nothing we could do, except waiting for the paramedics to arrive. And thankfully, I saw them entering the restaurant few minutes later. Alice guided them to where we were and they crouched in front of Hazel, asking us what happened to her.

"I- I don't-" I tried, but was immediately cut by my wife.

"We don't know what happened !! Tell us !! It's your job to tell us what happened and to- to help her ! DO YOUR JOB !!" Screamed Mina.

"Okay mam you need to calm down. Tell us her name, her age and why she was in the bathroom before you found her." The paramedic said calmly, trying to soften the situation.

I saw Mina breathe in and out, she closed her eyes one second and answered.

"Her name is Hazel. She's our daughter, she's fourteen and- and I don't know what the fuck she was doing in the restroom !!"

"I- I think she was getting sick." A shivering voice said behind us. I looked up and saw Alice.

"What do you mean ?" I whispered.

"The first time she went to the bathroom, I heard someone getting sick and- and the second time I- I mean this time when-"

"GOD DAMN IT ! PLEASE EXPLAIN YOURSELF !!" My wife shrieked, as Alice was speaking slowly. Or not fast enough for Mina.

"S- sorry. The s- second time I called for her and- and I heard like she was throwing up but at the same time crying and may- maybe choking. That's when I opened the stall and she fell on the floor, and- and she seemed like she had been coughing blood." Alice finished.

"Oh god." I murmured. I was now crying my eyes out, internally prying for my daughter to be okay.

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